PHP code example of devinweb / payment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download devinweb/payment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


devinweb / payment example snippets


'Payment'   => Devinweb\Payment\Facades\Payment::class,

  'payfort' => [

        'callback_urls' => [
            'error-page' => '/api/error',
            'success-page' => '/api/success',
        'sandboxMode' => env('PAYFORT_SAND_BOX_MODE', true),

         * language used to specify the response language returned from payfort
        'language' => env('LANGUAGE', 'en'),

         * your Merchant Identifier account (mid)
        'merchantIdentifier' => env('MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER', ''),

         * your access code
        'accessCode' => env('ACCESS_CODE', ''),

         * SHA Request passphrase
        'SHARequestPhrase' => env('SHA_REQUEST_PASSPHRASE', ''),

         * SHA Response passphrase
        'SHAResponsePhrase' => env('SHA_RESPONSE_PASSPHRASE', ''),

         * SHA Type (Hash Algorith)
         * expected Values ("sha1", "sha256", "sha512")
        'SHAType' => env('SHA_TYPE', 'sha256'),

         * command
         * expected Values ("AUTHORIZATION", "PURCHASE")
        'command' => env('COMMAND', 'AUTHORIZATION'),

         * order currency
        'currency'   => env('CURRENCY', 'USD'),

  // App\Config\payments.php

  // you can configure you callback routes here

  'payfort' => [

        'callback_urls' => [
            'error-page' => '', // redirection to error page
            'success-page' => '', // redirection to success page
        // ...

  use Illuminate\Http\Request;

  Route::post('/payment', function (Request $request) {

    // ...

    $merchant_reference = rand(0, getrandmax());

    return Payment::use('payfort', $merchant_reference)->pay();


    'amount' => '',
    'email' => '',
    'hold_name' => ''

'payfort_apple_pay' => [

        'sandboxMode'           => true,

        'language'              => 'ar',

        'merchantIdentifier'    => '',

        'accessCode'            => '',

        'SHARequestPhrase'      => '',

        'SHAResponsePhrase'     => '',

        'SHAType'               => 'sha256',

        'command'               => 'PURCHASE',

        'currency'              => 'SAR',


 return Payment::use('payfort_apple_pay', $merchant_reference)->pay();

  return Payment::use('payfort')->viaReactNative()->pay();

  use Illuminate\Http\Request;

  Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/payfort-callback', function(Request $request) {

    return Payment::use('payfort')->webHook();


  "response_code" => "18000",
  "card_number" => "400555******0001",
  "card_holder_name" => "CUSTOMER_HOLDER_NAME",
  "signature" => "d641d71c13da959cba92371d70c686b602e2b62796dfca5286c760c6b5d9e3b1",
  "merchant_identifier" => "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER",
  "expiry_date" => "2105",
  "access_code" => "YOUR_ACCESS_CODE",
  "language" => "ar",
  "service_command" => "TOKENIZATION",
  "response_message" => "عملية ناجحة",
  "merchant_reference" => "278245857",
  "token_name" => "dced12c0eeeb444185dcc450b917d987",
  "return_url" => "YOUR_RETURN_URL"
  "card_bin" => "400555"
  "status" => "18"

"response_code" => "00016",
"card_number" => "400550******0001",
"card_holder_name" => "CUSTOMER_HOLDER_NAME",
"signature" => "signature_value",
"merchant_identifier" => "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER",
"expiry_date" => "2105",
"access_code" => "YOUR_ACCESS_CODE",
"language" => "ar",
"service_command" => "TOKENIZATION",
"response_message" => "رقم البطاقة غير صحيح",
"merchant_reference" => "158151963",
"return_url" => "YOUR_RETURN_URL",
"status" => "00",
"error_msg" => "رقم البطاقة غير صحيح",
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Devinweb\Payment\PaymentServiceProvider" --tag="config"