PHP code example of devinweb / laravel-youcan-pay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download devinweb/laravel-youcan-pay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


devinweb / laravel-youcan-pay example snippets

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Traits\Billable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Billable;

use App\Models\Core\User;
use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\LaravelYouCanPay;;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()

 * Get the customer info to send them when we generate the form token.
 * @return array
public function getCustomerInfo()
    return [
      'name'         => $this->name,
      'address'      => '',
      'zip_code'     => '',
      'city'         => '',
      'state'        => '',
      'country_code' => 'MA',
      'phone'        => $this->phone,
      'email'        => $this->email,

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;

$user = LaravelYouCanPay::findBillable($order_id);

$data= [
  'order_id' => '123',
  'amount' => 2000 // amount=20*100

$token = $user->getPaymentToken($data, $request);

$data= [
  'order_id' => '123',
  'amount' => 2000 // amount=20*100

$metadata = [
  'key' => 'value'

$token = $user->getPaymentToken($data, $request, $metadata);

$payment_url = $user->getPaymentURL($data, $request, $metadata);

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

public function tokenization(Request $request)
    $order_data = [
        'order_id' => (string) Str::uuid(),
        'amount' => 200

    $token= LaravelYouCanPay::createTokenization($order_data, $request)->getId();
    $public_key = config('youcanpay.public_key');
    $isSandbox = config('youcanpay.sandboxMode');
    $language = config('app.locale');

    // You can at this point share a lot of data with the front end,
    // the idea behind this is making the backend manage the environment keys,
    // we don't need to store the keys in many places.
    return response()->json(compact('token', 'public_key', 'isSandbox', 'language'));

$paymentUrl= LaravelYouCanPay::createTokenization($data, $request)->getPaymentURL();

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;

$customerInfo = [
  'name'         => '',
  'address'      => '',
  'zip_code'     => '',
  'city'         => '',
  'state'        => '',
  'country_code' => '',
  'phone'        => '',
  'email'        => '',

$token= LaravelYouCanPay::setCustomerInfo($customerInfo)->createTokenization($data, $request)->getId();

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;

$customerInfo = [
  'name'         => '',
  'address'      => '',
  'zip_code'     => '',
  'city'         => '',
  'state'        => '',
  'country_code' => '',
  'phone'        => '',
  'email'        => '',

$metadata = [
  // Can you insert what you want here...
  'key' => 'value'

$token= LaravelYouCanPay::setMetadata($metadata)
                          ->createTokenization($data, $request)->getId();

> protected $except = [
>    'youcanpay/*',
> ]

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;

class WebHookController extends Controller
     * Create a new WebhookController instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

namespace App\Listeners;

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Events\WebhookReceived;

class YouCanPayEventListener
     * Handle received Stripe webhooks.
     * @param  \Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Events\WebhookReceived  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(WebhookReceived $event)
        if ($event->payload['event_name'] === 'transaction.paid') {
            // Handle the incoming event...

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Listeners\YouCanPayEventListener;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Events\WebhookReceived;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        WebhookReceived::class => [

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class YouCanPayWebhooksController extends Controller
    public function handle(Request $request)
        $signature = $request->header('x-youcanpay-signature');
        $payload = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
        if (LaravelYouCanPay::verifyWebhookSignature($signature, $payload)) {
            // you code here

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Devinweb\LaravelYouCanPay\Facades\LaravelYouCanPay;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class YouCanPayWebhooksController extends Controller
    public function handle(Request $request)
        LaravelYouCanPay::validateWebhookSignature($signature, $payload)

        // you code here
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="youcanpay-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="youcanpay-config"
php artisan youcanpay:clean-pending-transactions