PHP code example of descom / pipeline

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download descom/pipeline library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


descom / pipeline example snippets

use Descom\Pipeline\PipeLine;

class SamplePipeline extends PipeLine

        ->pipe(new DoubleStage())
        ->pipe(new IncreaseStage());

    $payload = 10;

    $payload = SamplePipeline::getInstance()
        ->process($payload); // return 21 (10 * 2) + 1

    $payload = 10;

    $payload = SamplePipeline::getInstance()
        ->process($payload, [
            'twiceDouble' => 3,
            'twiceIncrease' => 2
        ]); // return 82 (10 * 2 ^ 3) + (1 + 1)

class DoubleStage extends Stage
    public function handle($payload): int
        $twiceDouble = $this->option('twiceDouble') ?? 1;

        return $payload * pow(2, $twiceDouble);