PHP code example of dersonsena / yii2-tactician

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dersonsena/yii2-tactician library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dersonsena / yii2-tactician example snippets

$config = [
    'id' => 'your-app-id',
    'container' => [
        'definitions' => [
            MyClassCommand::class => MyClassHandler::class 
    'components' => [

$config = [
    'id' => 'your-app-id',
    'container' => [
        'definitions' => [
            MyClassCommand::class => MyClassHandler::class 
    'components' => [
        'commandBus' => [
            'class' => AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Yii2TacticianCommandBus::class
        // other components...

class MyClassCommand
    public $someParam;
    public $someOtherParam;

    public function __construct($someParam, $someOtherParam = 'defaultValue')
    	$this->someParam = $someParam;
        $this->someOtherParam = $someOtherParam;

class MyClassHandler
    public function handle(MyClassCommand $command)
    	// do command stuff here!
        // we can use $command->someParam and $this->someOtherParam

public function actionDoSomething()
    $queryParam = Yii::$app->getRequest()->get('some_param');
    // Here the magic happens! =)
    $result = Yii::$app->commandBus->handle(new MyClassCommand($queryParam));

    if ($result === true) {
    	return $this->redirect(['go/to/some/place']);

    return $this->render('some-awesome-view');

$config = [
    'id' => 'your-app-id',
    'container' => [
        'definitions' => [
            // you can use any string here.
            '' => MyClassHandler::class 
    'components' => [

class MyClassHandler implements AstrotechLabs\Yii2Tactician\Handler
    public function handle(MyClassCommand $command)
    	// do command stuff here!
        // we can use $command->someParam and $this->someOtherParam
    public function commandClassName(): string
        return MyClassCommand::class;

public function actionDoSomething()
    $result = Yii::$app->commandBus->handle('', [
        'someParam' => 'abc',
        'someOtherParam' => 'def'
    // .. other logics


MyClassCommand::create([someParam' => 'abc', 'someOtherParam' => 'def']);