PHP code example of deploy-dog / slavedriver

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download deploy-dog/slavedriver library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


deploy-dog / slavedriver example snippets

// You'll need autoloading
 for your PSR-16 compatible cache, but use whatever you like!
// This example is using Scrapbook and Flysystem to write a cache file to the disk, but you'll
// probably want to use Redis or something better like that
$adapter = new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local('/tmp/dd.slavedriver.cache', LOCK_EX);
$filesystem = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);
$cache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Adapters\Flysystem($filesystem);
$simpleCache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Psr16\SimpleCache($cache);

// In this example, we use phossa2/event which is a PSR-14 event manager.
// PSR-14 is only "proposed" at this stage. Once PSR-14 is "accepted" we'll update the running this job has (so it know which jobs to do).
// We'll look at the following (in this order)
// Manually set using $slavedriver->setSlaveName()
// Environment var "SLAVEDRIVER_SLAVE_NAME"
// Node hostname (from php's gethostname() function)

// Create a job
$job = new \deploydog\Slavedriver\Job('Sleep for a bit');
$job->setCommand('sleep 10');
$job->setSchedule('* * * * *');
$job->setSlaves(['test1']); // Optional, default to all slaves

// Add the job to Slavedriver

// Add more jobs like with the example above..

// Alternatively (or in addition) if you have lots of jobs you might want to include one per file
// and get Slavedriver to recursively look in directory for jobs
// Your included files should return an instance of the Job object.

// Run the 

$eventsDispatcher = new \Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher(); // This is the same one you passed into Slavedriver on construct
$eventsDispatcher->attach(\deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDOUT, function(\Phossa2\Event\Event $event) {
     $job = $event->getTarget();
     $stdOut = $event->getParam('stdOut');
     // Log $stdOut somewhere, this can be called multiple times for each job and will be given any
     // new stdOut since the last call. You can then append this to the previous stdOut of the job
     // Likewise the event "slavedriver.job.output.stderr" will give you the stdErr in $event->getParam('stdErr')

$eventsDispatcher = new \Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher(); // This is the same one you passed into Slavedriver on construct
$eventsDispatcher->attach(\deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_SLAVEDRIVER_ALL, function(\Phossa2\Event\Event $event) {
    $job = $event->getTarget();

    if ($job instanceof \deploydog\Slavedriver\Job) {
        echo 'Got event "'.$event->getName().'" on job "'.$job->getName().'"'."\n";
    } else {
        echo 'Got event "'.$event->getName().'"'."\n";

    if ($event->getName() == \deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDOUT){
        echo 'stdOut > ' . $event->getParam('stdOut')."\n";
    } else if ($event->getName() == \deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDERR){
        echo 'stdErr > ' . $event->getParam('stdErr')."\n";

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('Slavedriver');
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/slavedriver.log'));


$logLevels = new \deploydog\Slavedriver\LogLevels();

$slavedriver->setLogger($logger, $logLevels);

* * * * * cd /path/to/project && php slavedriver.php 1>> /dev/null 2>&1