PHP code example of den11100 / yii2-wallet-one-2019

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download den11100/yii2-wallet-one-2019 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


den11100 / yii2-wallet-one-2019 example snippets


$action = Yii::$app->walletone->apiUrl;
$formData = Yii::$app->walletone->getFields([
    'WMI_DESCRIPTION'=>'Top up the account - '.Yii::$app->user->identity->username,
echo Html::beginForm($action);
foreach($formData as $key => $value){
    echo Html::hiddenInput($key, $value);
echo Html::submitButton('Pay', ['class'=>'btn btn-info']);
echo Html::endForm();

echo WalletOneButton::widget([
        'WMI_DESCRIPTION'=>'Top up the account - '.Yii::$app->user->identity->username,

$post = Yii::$app->request->post();

/** @var WalletOne $walletone */
$walletone = Yii::$app->walletone;

        //... save info about payment
}catch (ErrorException $c){
    return 'WMI_RESULT=RETRY&WMI_DESCRIPTION='.$c->getMessage();
return 'WMI_RESULT=OK';