PHP code example of deligoez / laravel-model-hashid

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download deligoez/laravel-model-hashid library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


deligoez / laravel-model-hashid example snippets

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Deligoez\LaravelModelHashId\Traits\HasHashId;

class ModelA extends Model
    use HasHashId;

$modelA = ModelA::find(1234);
$modelA->hashId;    // model_a_kqYZeLgo
$modelA->hashIdRaw; // kqYZeLgo

ModelA::keyFromHashId('model_a_kqYZeLgo') // 1234

// Find a model by its Hash Id.

// Find multiple models by their Hash Ids.
ModelA::findManyByHashId(['model_a_kqYZeLgo', 'model_a_ZeLgokqY']);

// Find a model by its Hash Id or throw an exception.

// Find a model by its Hash Id or or call a callback.

// Find a model by its Hash Id or return fresh model instance.

// Add a where clause on the Hash Id to the query.

// Add a where not clause on the Hash Id to the query.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Deligoez\LaravelModelHashId\Traits\HasHashIdRouting;

class ModelA extends Model
    use HasHashIdRouting;

// You can call this route with a Hash Id:
Route::get('/model-a/{modelA}', function (ModelA $modelA) {
    // Your ModelA instance

Route::model('hash_id', ModelA::class);

// You can call this route with a Hash Id:
Route::get('/model-a/{hash_id}', function ($modelBinding) {
    // Your ModelA instance

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Deligoez\LaravelModelHashId\Traits\SavesHashId;

class ModelA extends Model
    use SavesHashId;

return [

    | Salt String
    | This salt string is used for generating HashIDs and should be set
    | to a random string, otherwise these generated HashIDs will not be
    | safe. Please do this definitely before deploying your application!

    'salt' => env('HASHID_SALT', 'your-secret-salt-string'),

    | Raw HashID Length
    | This is the length of the raw HashID. The model prefix, separator
    | and the raw HashID are combined all together. So the Model HashID
    | length is the sum of raw HashID, separator, and model prefix lengths.
    | Default: 13

    'length' => 13,

    | HashID Alphabet
    | This alphabet will generate raw HashIDs. Please keep in mind that it
    | must contain at least 16 unique characters and can't contain spaces.
    | Default: 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567890'

    'alphabet' => 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567890',

    | Model Prefix Length
    | Here you can specify the length of the model prefix. By default, they
    | will generate it from the first letters of short class name.
    | Set it -1 to use full short class name as prefix.
    | Set it 0 to not use any prefix at all.
    | Default: 3

    'prefix_length' => 3,

    | Model Prefix Case
    | Here you can set the case of the prefix. Please keep in mind that for
    | some prefix cases, underscore (‘_’) characters will be added to the
    | prefix if your model name is multi word.
    | Default: 'lower'
    | Supported: "lower", "upper", "camel", "snake", "kebab",
    |            "title", "studly", "plural_studly"

    'prefix_case' => 'lower',

    | HashID Model Prefix Separator
    | Here you can set the separator for your HashIDs. The separator
    | will be added between model prefix and the raw HashID.
    | Default: '_'

    'separator' => '_',

    | HashID Database Column
    | By using `SavesHashIDs` trait, you can save model HashIDs to database.
    | Here you can set the database column name for HashIDs to save.
    | Default: 'hash_id'

    'database_column' => 'hash_id',

    | Model Specific Generators
    | Here you can set specific HashID generators for individual Models.
    | Each one of the setting above can be defined per model. You can
    | see an example below as a comment.

    'model_generators' => [
        // App\Models\User::class => [
        //     'salt'            => 'your-model-specific-salt-string',
        //     'length'          => 13,
        //     'alphabet'        => 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567890',
        //     'prefix_length'   => 3,
        //     'prefix_case'     => 'lower',
        //     'separator'       => '_',
        //     'database_column' => 'hash_id',
        // ],

        // App\Models\Post::class => [
        //     'salt'            => 'your-model-specific-salt-string',
        //     'length'          => 13,
        //     'alphabet'        => 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567890', 
        //     'prefix'          => 'abc', // Custom prefix that is not auto-generated
        //     'separator'       => '_',
        // ],
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Deligoez\LaravelModelHashId\LaravelModelHashIdServiceProvider" --tag="config"