PHP code example of delight-im / router

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download delight-im/router library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


delight-im / router example snippets


      $router = new \Delight\Router\Router();

      $router = new \Delight\Router\Router('/my/base/path');

      $router->get('/', function () {
          // do something

      $router->get('/users/:id/photo', function ($id) {
          // get the photo for user `$id`

      $router->any([ 'POST', 'PUT' ], '/users/:id/address', function ($id) {
          // update the address for user `$id`

    // use static methods
    $router->get('/photos/:id/convert/:mode', [ 'PhotoController', 'myStaticMethod' ]);

    // or

    // instance methods
    $router->get('/photos/:id/convert/:mode', [ $myPhotoController, 'myInstanceMethod' ]);

    class MyController {

        public static function someStaticMethod($database, $uuid) {
            // do something


    $database = new MyDatabase();

    // ...

    $router->delete('/messages/:uuid', [ 'MyController', 'someStaticMethod' ], [ $database ]);

      try_files $uri /index.php;