PHP code example of delight-im / otp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download delight-im/otp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


delight-im / otp example snippets


// string(32) "WQ2S54TEQYY4Z2PWHB2Y6W443ZCEKJCQ"

// or

// string(32) "X4YSNUYTL6NE2PF7PMFN4QDUD3WPUR75" (160 bits or 20 bytes)

// or

// string(26) "7OX7TNZAKKXFAWH2P4RB4VR2DE" (128 bits or 16 bytes)

// or

// string(16) "3KXNADOF5GTCCTKZ" (80 bits or 10 bytes)

\Delight\Otp\Otp::createTotpKeyUriForQrCode('', '[email protected]', $storedSecret);
// string(116) "otpauth://totp/"

\Delight\Otp\Otp::verifyTotp($storedSecret, '390108');
// bool(true)

$lookBehindSteps = 3;
$lookAheadSteps = 3;
$currentTime = \time();
$otpLength = 8;
$refreshInterval = 60;
$epoch = 0;
$hashFunction = \Delight\Otp\Otp::HASH_FUNCTION_SHA_512;

// bool(true)