PHP code example of delight-im / db

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download delight-im/db library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


delight-im / db example snippets


   $dataSource = new \Delight\Db\PdoDataSource('mysql'); // see "Available drivers for database systems" below

   $db = \Delight\Db\PdoDatabase::fromDataSource($dataSource);

   $db = \Delight\Db\PdoDatabase::fromDsn(
       new \Delight\Db\PdoDsn(

   // $pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=my-database;host=localhost;charset=utf8mb4', 'my-username', 'my-password');

   $db = \Delight\Db\PdoDatabase::fromPdo($pdo);

   $db = \Delight\Db\PdoDatabase::fromPdo($pdo, true);


$rows = $db->select('SELECT id, name FROM books');

// or

$rows = $db->select(
    'SELECT name, year FROM books WHERE author = ? ORDER BY copies DESC LIMIT 0, 10',
    [ 'Charles Dickens' ]

// or

$row = $db->selectRow(
    'SELECT author, year FROM books WHERE author <> ? ORDER BY year ASC LIMIT 0, 1',
    [ 'Miguel de Cervantes' ]

// or

$value = $db->selectValue(
    'SELECT year FROM books WHERE name <> ? AND name <> ? ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 0, 1',
        'Tale of Two Cities',
        'Alice in Wonderland'

// or

$column = $db->selectColumn(
    'SELECT author FROM books ORDER BY copies DESC LIMIT ?, ?',

        // set
        'name' => 'Don Quixote',
        'author' => 'Miguel de Cervantes',
        'year' => 1612

$newId = $db->getLastInsertId();
// or
$newId = $db->getLastInsertId('my-sequence-name');

        // set
        'author' => 'J. K. Rowling',
        'copies' => 2
        // where
        'name' => "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

        // where
        'author' => 'C. S. Lewis',
        'year' => 1949

    'INSERT INTO books (name, author, year) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE copies = copies + 1',
        "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
        'J. K. Rowling',

// or

    "UPDATE books SET name = CONCAT(LEFT(name, 5), ' in ', RIGHT(name, 10)) WHERE year >= ? AND year < ?",


// and later

// or

// and optionally
$active = $db->isTransactionActive();

$db->setProfiler(new \Delight\Db\SimpleProfiler());



// e.g. 'MySQL'

// e.g. 'Uptime: 82196  Threads: 1  Questions: 2840  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 23  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 33  Queries per second avg: 0.736'

// e.g. '5.5.5-10.1.13-MariaDB'

// e.g. 'mysqlnd 5.0.1-dev'

$db->addOnConnectListener(function (\Delight\Db\PdoDatabase $db) {
	// do something