PHP code example of defstudio / actions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download defstudio/actions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


defstudio / actions example snippets

 * @method static void run(Report|int $report)
class DeleteReport
    use ActsAsAction;

    public function handle(Report|int $report): void
        if (is_int($report)) {
            $report = Report::findOrFail($report);

        DB::transaction(function () use ($report) {

class DeleteReport extends \DefStudio\Actions\Action
    public function handle(Report|int $report): bool
        if (is_int($report)) {
            $report = Report::findOrFail($report);

        return DB::transaction(function () use ($report) {
            return $report->delete();

$result = DeleteReport::run($report->id); //true

$result = DeleteReport::make()->handle($report->id); //true

$results = DeleteReport::runMany($report1->id, $report2->id, $report3->id); //[true, false, true]

    use InjectsItself;
    public function handle($name = 'guest', $title = 'Mr.'): string
        return "$title $name";

$result = MyAwesomeAction::runMany(['Elizabeth', "Ms."], ['Fabio'],  ['title' => 'Mrs.']);

// $result = ["Ms. Elizabeth", "Mr. Fabio", "Mrs. guest"] 

FindTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything::mock(fn ($report_id) => 42);

FindTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything::run() // 42


MyWeirdAction::mock(handle: fn() => 5, handleForAdmin: fn() => 42);


BuildOrder::partial_mock(fromRequest: fn() => true);

//this will not be mocked

$spiedAction = MyAction::spy();



dispatch(LongRunningAction::job($argument_1, $argument_2));

LongRunningAction::dispatch($argument_1, $argument_2);

LongRunningAction::dispatchSync($argument_1, $argument_2);

LongRunningAction::dispatchAfterResponse($argument_1, $argument_2);

use DefStudio\Actions\Concerns\ActsAsJob;

class LongRunningAction{
    use ActsAsJob;
    public int $timeout = 2 * 60 * 60;
    public int $tries = 4;
    public array $backoff = [60, 120, 300, 600];
    public string $queue = 'long-running';
    public function handle(){...}

class LongRunningAction{
    use ActsAsJob;
    public function handle(){..}
    public function jobFailed($exception)
    private function handleFailure(){..}

MyAction::batch([$name1, $title1], [$name2, $title2])->dispatch();

MyAction::chain([$name1, $title1], [$name2, $title2])->dispatch();