PHP code example of decss / item-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download decss/item-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


decss / item-parser example snippets

0 => [
    "row"    => 1,          // line number in CSV
    "valid"  => true,       // true if all row's Fields is valid, false if any is invalid
    "skip"   => false,      // true only if you skip this row by special method
    "fields" => []          // array of row fields (cells)

14 => [
    "text"  => "cell text", // Original CSV cell text
    "name"  => null,        // Field name from Parser Fields config
    "type"  => null         // Field type

1 => [
    "text"  => "V_3J689910",
    "name"  => "item_sku",
    "type"  => "text",
    "valid" => true,        // true if Field is not 

3 => [
    "text" => "Black; Not a color; Grey; ",
    "name" => "item_color",
    "type" => "param",
    "valid" => false,
    "value" => [
        0 => [
            "valid" => true,    // true if param was found in Field params
            "skip" => false,    // true if this value was skipped in Field missings config
            "replace" => false, // true if this value was replaced in Field missings config
            "id" => 1,          // Param ID, if it's value was found by in Field params
            "value" => "Black", // Param or Replaced param value
            "text" => "Black"   // Param text extracted from cell text value
        1 => [
            "valid" => false,
            "skip" => false,
            "replace" => false,
            "id" => null,
            "value" => null,
            "text" => "Not a color"
        2 => ["valid" => true, "skip" => false, "replace" => false, "id" => 3, "value" => "Grey", "text" => "Grey"]

use ItemParser\Parser;

// 1. Init Parser and set CSV file path
$csvPath = 'file.csv';
$parser = new Parser($csvPath);

// 2. Config columns
// 2.1 Config param column
// Param array
$colors = [
    ['id' => 1, 'value' => 'Red'],
    ['id' => 2, 'value' => 'Green'],
    ['id' => 3, 'value' => 'Blue'],
    ['id' => 4, 'value' => 'Gold', 'alias' => ['Gold sand', 'Golden-Orange']],
// Param Missing - skip or replace colors, that was not found in $colors
$colorsMissing = [
    'Orange' => -1, //  Skip this color
    'Golden' => 4,  //  Replace "Golden" to "Gold" (id = 4)
$parser->paramField('item_color', [$colors, $colorsMissing])->

use ItemParser\Drawer;

// Create Drawer and config columns (optional)
$drawer = new Drawer($parser, [
    'item_name' => ['title' => 'Product Name'],
    'item_link' => ['display' => 'link'],
    'item_image1' => ['display' => 'image'],

// Display results
echo '<table class="parse-table">'
    . '<thead>' . $drawer->head() . '</thead>'
    . '<tbody>' . $drawer->body() . '</tbody>'
    . '</table>';

// Set CSV file path
$parser = new Parser('file.csv');
// or
$parser = new Parser;
// also you can use preconfigured parseCsv class
$parseCsv = new \ParseCsv\Csv();
$parseCsv->limit = 5;
$parseCsv->delimiter = "\t";
$parser = new Parser('file.csv', $parseCsv);

// Set SCV content
$parser = new Parser;
$content = file_get_contents('file.csv');

$csvObj = $parser->getCsvObj();
$csvObj->delimiter = ';,';      // Set CSV rows delimiter characters

// Add text field
// Add am field
$parser->paramField('item_size', [$sizes]);
// Add 

// Skip first 2 rows

// Skip columns and set order
    0 => 'item_name',
    1 => 'item_sku',
    2 => 'item_price',
    3 => 'item_color',
    4 => 'item_size',
    // 5, 6 - skip
    7 => 'item_material',
    8 => 'item_desc',
    9 => 'item_link',
    10 => 'item_image1',
    11 => 'item_image2',
    12 => 'item_image3',
    // further will be skipped

// Do parsing and get results
$result = $parser->parse();

// Get results after parsing
$result = $parser->result();

// Create Drawer and config it
$drawer = new Drawer($parser, [
    'item_name' => ['title' => 'Product Name'],
    'item_sku' => ['title' => 'Product SKU'],
    'item_price' => ['title' => 'Price'],
    'item_size' => ['title' => 'Sizes'],
    'item_color' => ['title' => 'Colors'],
    'item_desc' => ['title' => 'Description', 'display' => 'text'],
    'item_link' => ['display' => 'link'],
    'item_image1' => ['display' => 'image'],
    'item_image2' => ['display' => 'image'],
    'item_image3' => ['display' => 'image'],

// Hide valid rows
// Hide invalid rows
// Hide custom rows
drawer->hideRows([0, 6, 7, 8]);

// Display missing selects
echo $drawer->missing();

// Display table column names
echo $drawer->head();
// Display table column names with Field selects
echo $drawer->head('select');

// Display table rows
echo $drawer->body();