PHP code example of decodelabs / veneer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download decodelabs/veneer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


decodelabs / veneer example snippets

namespace Some\Random\Library;

// This is a library class you use regularly
class MyThing
    public function doAThing() {
        echo 'Done!';

namespace App\Setup;

// This is your environment setup code
use DecodeLabs\Veneer;
use Some\Random\Library\MyThing;
use App\CoolThing;

    MyThing::class, // active object class
    CoolThing::class // frontage class

namespace Some\Other\Code;

use App\CoolThing;

// Your general userland code

namespace My\Library
    use DecodeLabs\Veneer\Plugin;

    class MyThing {

        public MyPlugin $plugin;

        #[Plugin(auto: true)]
        public MyPlugin $autoPlugin;

        #[Plugin(lazy: true)]
        public MyPlugin $lazyPlugin;

        public function __construct() {
            $this->plugin = new MyPlugin();

    class MyPlugin
        public function doAThing(): string {
            return 'Hello from plugin';

namespace Some\Other\Code
    use My\Library\MyThing;

    MyThing::$plugin->doAThing(); // Hello from plugin
    MyThing::$autoPlugin->doAThing(); // Hello from plugin
    MyThing::$lazyPlugin->doAThing(); // Hello from plugin

namespace My\Library
    use DecodeLabs\Veneer\Plugin;

    class MyThing {

        protected(set) MyPlugin $plugin {
            get => $this->plugin ??= new MyPlugin();