PHP code example of decodelabs / coercion

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download decodelabs/coercion library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


decodelabs / coercion example snippets

use DecodeLabs\Coercion;

class MyClass {

    protected string $string;
    protected ?string $optionalString;
    protected int $int;

    public function __construct(array $params) {
        $this->string = Coercion::asString($params['maybeString']); // Throw on error
        $this->string = Coercion::toString($params['maybeString']); // Convert to empty string on error
        $this->optionalString = Coercion::tryString($params['maybeString']);

// String
Coercion::asString($value): string // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryString($value, bool $nonEmpty = true): ?string
Coercion::toString($value): string
Coercion::isStringable($value): bool

// Bool
Coercion::toBool($value): bool
Coercion::tryBool($value): ?bool
Coercion::parseBool($value): ?bool // Only returns true for strings if string is boolsy

// Int
Coercion::asInt($value): int // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryInt($value): ?int
Coercion::toInt($value): int
Coercion::clampInt($value, int $min, int $max): int

// Float
Coercion::asFloat($value): float // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryFloat($value): ?float
Coercion::toFloat($value): float
Coercion::clampFloat($value, float $min, float $max): float
Coercion::clampDegrees($value, float $min, float $max): float

// Array
Coercion::asArray($value): array // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryArray($value): ?array
Coercion::toArray($value): array

// Iterable
Coercion::asIterable($value): iterable // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryIterable($value): ?iterable
Coercion::toIterable($value): iterable
Coercion::iterableToArray($value): array

// Object
Coercion::asObject($value): object // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryObject($value): ?object
Coercion::toObject($value): object

// stdClass
Coercion::asStdClass($value): stdClass // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryStdClass($value): ?stdClass
Coercion::toStdClass($value): stdClass

// Type
Coercion::asType($value, class-string<T> $type): T // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryType($value, class-string<T> $type): ?T

// Lazy
Coercion::newLazyGhost(class-string<T> $type, callable $callback): T
Coercion::newLazyProxy(class-string<T> $type, callable $callback): T

// DateTime
Coercion::asDateTime($value): DateTimeInterface // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryDateTime($value): ?DateTimeInterface
Coercion::toDateTime($value): DateTimeInterface // Defaults to now

// DateInterval
Coercion::asDateInterval($value): DateInterval // Throws exception on error
Coercion::tryDateInterval($value): ?DateInterval