PHP code example of death_satan / thinkphp-form-request

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download death_satan/thinkphp-form-request library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


death_satan / thinkphp-form-request example snippets

namespace app\FormRequest;

use SaTan\Think\Request\FormRequest;
use think\Validate;

class IndexRequest extends FormRequest
    protected function initialization ():void


     * @var Validate|string 验证器
    protected $validate;

     * @var bool $batch 批量验证
    protected $batch = false;

     * 验证权限
     * @return bool
    protected  function check ():bool
        return true;

     * 验证规则
     * @return array
    protected function rules():array
        return [

     * 错误消息
     * @return array
    protected function messages():array
        return [


     * 验证前置操作
     * @param Validate $validate
    protected function withValidate(Validate $validate):void



     * @var Validate|string 验证器
    protected $validate = \app\validate\Test::class;

class Index extends BaseController
    public function index(TestRequest $request)

     * @var bool $batch 批量验证
    protected $batch = false;

     * 验证权限
     * @return bool
    protected  function check ():bool
        return true;

     * 验证规则
     * @return array
    protected function rules():array
        return [


     * 错误消息
     * @return array
    protected function messages():array
        return [


     * 验证前置操作
     * @param Validate $validate
    protected function withValidate(Validate $validate):void
            $check = $validate->check($this->param());

            if ($check!==true)
//                $this->throwCheckError((array)$validate->getError());
# 执行下面的指令可以生成index应用的Blog表单验证器类库文件
php think make:request index@IndexRequest
# app/index/FormRequest/IndexRequest

php think make:request IndexRequest
# app/FormRequest/IndexRequest

php think make:controller index@test/IndexRequest
# app/index/test/Blog/IndexRequest

php think make:validate Test
#会在 app/validate/目录下生成一个 Test验证器
php think make:request TestRequest
#会在 app/FormRequest目录下生成一个TestRequest表单验证器类库