PHP code example of ddzh-dev / php-hive-queue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ddzh-dev/php-hive-queue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ddzh-dev / php-hive-queue example snippets

use Phive\Queue\InMemoryQueue;
use Phive\Queue\NoItemAvailableException;

$queue = new InMemoryQueue();

$queue->push('item2', new DateTime());
$queue->push('item3', time());
$queue->push('item4', '+5 seconds');
$queue->push('item5', 'next Monday');

// get the queue size
$count = $queue->count(); // 5

// pop items off the queue
// note that is not guaranteed that the items with the same scheduled time
// will be received in the same order in which they were added
$item123 = $queue->pop();
$item123 = $queue->pop();
$item123 = $queue->pop();

try {
    $item4 = $queue->pop();
} catch (NoItemAvailableException $e) {
    // item4 is not yet available

$item4 = $queue->pop();

// clear the queue (will remove 'item5')

public MongoQueue::__construct(MongoClient $mongoClient, string $dbName, string $collName)

use Phive\Queue\MongoQueue;

$client = new MongoClient();
$queue = new MongoQueue($client, 'my_db', 'my_coll');

public RedisQueue::__construct(Redis $redis)

use Phive\Queue\RedisQueue;

$redis = new Redis();
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, 'my_prefix:');

// Since the Redis client v2.2.5 the RedisQueue has the ability to utilize serialization:
// $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP);

$queue = new RedisQueue($redis);

public TarantoolQueue::__construct(Tarantool $tarantool, string $tubeName [, int $space = null ])

use Phive\Queue\TarantoolQueue;

$tarantool = new Tarantool('', 33020);
$queue = new TarantoolQueue($tarantool, 'my_tube');

public PheanstalkQueue::__construct(Pheanstalk\PheanstalkInterface $pheanstalk, string $tubeName)

use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;
use Phive\Queue\PheanstalkQueue;

$pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk('');
$queue = new PheanstalkQueue($pheanstalk, 'my_tube');

public GenericPdoQueue::__construct(PDO $pdo, string $tableName [, string $routineName = null ] )

use Phive\Queue\Pdo\GenericPdoQueue;

$pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=;port=5432;dbname=my_db', 'db_user', 'db_pass');

$queue = new GenericPdoQueue($pdo, 'my_table', 'my_routine');

$pdo->exec('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL');

public SqlitePdoQueue::__construct(PDO $pdo, string $tableName)

use Phive\Queue\Pdo\SqlitePdoQueue;

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:/opt/databases/my_db.sq3');
$pdo->exec('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL');

$queue = new SqlitePdoQueue($pdo, 'my_table');

public SysVQueue::__construct(int $key [, bool $serialize = null [, int $perms = null ]] )

use Phive\Queue\SysVQueue;

$queue = new SysVQueue(123456);

public InMemoryQueue::__construct()

use Phive\Queue\InMemoryQueue;

$queue = new InMemoryQueue();

use Phive\Queue\GenericPdoQueue;
use Phive\Queue\TypeSafeQueue;

$queue = new GenericPdoQueue(...);
$queue = new TypeSafeQueue($queue);

$queue->push(['foo' => 'bar']);
$array = $queue->pop(); // ['foo' => 'bar'];

use Phive\Queue\MongoQueue;

$queue = new MongoQueue(...);

// mongodb server goes down here

$queue->push('item'); // throws MongoConnectionException

use Phive\Queue\ExceptionalQueue;
use Phive\Queue\MongoQueue;

$queue = new MongoQueue(...);
$queue = new ExceptionalQueue($queue);

// mongodb server goes down here

$queue->push('item'); // throws Phive\Queue\QueueException

use Phive\Queue\QueueException;


try {
} catch (QueueException $e) {
    // handle queue exception
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // handle base exception
$ php tests/worker.php