PHP code example of dcat / laravel-wherehasin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dcat/laravel-wherehasin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dcat / laravel-wherehasin example snippets

 * SQL:
 * select * from `test_users` where exists
 *   (
 *     select * from `test_user_profiles` 
 *     where `test_users`.`id` = `test_user_profiles`.`user_id`
 *  ) 
 * limit 10
$users1 = User::whereHas('profile')->limit(10)->get();

 * SQL:
 * select * from `test_users` where `test_users`.`id` in 
 *   (
 *     select `test_user_profiles`.`user_id` from `test_user_profiles` 
 *     where `test_users`.`id` = `test_user_profiles`.`user_id`
 *   ) 
 * limit 10
$users1 = User::whereHasIn('profile')->limit(10)->get();


User::whereHasIn('profile', function ($q) {
    $q->where('id', '>', 10);

User::where('name', 'like', '%laravel%')->orWhereHasIn('profile')->get();

User::whereHasIn('painters.paintings', function ($q) {
    $q->whereIn('id', [600, 601]);

 * 这里用的是"user_id in",而不是"id in"
 * select * from `test_user_profiles` where `test_user_profiles`.`user_id` in 
 *   (
 *     select `test_users`.`id` from `test_users` where `test_user_profiles`.`user_id` = `test_users`.`id`
 *   )
$profiles = Profile::whereHasIn('user')->get();

Image::whereHasMorphIn('imageable', Post::class, function ($q) {
    $q->where('id', '>', 10);