PHP code example of dc / ioc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dc/ioc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dc / ioc example snippets

$container = new \DC\IoC\Container();
	->register('\Car') // fully qualified namespace
    ->withContainerLifetime(); // lives as long as the container

	->register(new \Car())

	->register(function() {
		new \Car();

$vehicle = $container->resolve('\IVehicle');

$vehicles = $container->resolveAll('\IVehicle');

class Trailer {
	public __construct(\IVehicle $vehicle) {
		// attach your Trailer to you IVehicle, or something

$container->resolve("Trailer"); // you don't even have to register Trailer

class Trailer {
     * @param $matchesVehicles array|\IVehicle[]
	public __construct(array $matchesVehicles) {


class Trailer {
     * @param $matchesVehicles \IVehicle[]
	public __construct($matchesVehicles) {


class Car {
    * @inject
    * @var \Trailer
   private $trailer;

$car = new Car();

$container->register(function(\IFoo $foo) {
    return new Bar($foo);

     * @param $foos \IFoo[]
	function(array $foos) {
		return new Bar($foos);

class MyModule extends \DC\IoC\Modules\Module {
    public __construct() {
        parent::__construct("package-name", ["dc/router"]);
    public register(\DC\IoC\Container $container) {

$container->registerModules([new MyModule(), new \DC\Router\Module()]);