PHP code example of dc-ag / tree-nodes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dc-ag/tree-nodes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dc-ag / tree-nodes example snippets

use TreeNodes\GenericTreeNode;

$treeNode = new GenericTreeNode('Root');

use TreeNodes\GenericTypedPayloadTreeNode;
use TreeNodes\TypedPayloadTreeNode;

$treeNode = new GenericTypedPayloadTreeNode('Root', TypedPayloadTreeNode::PAYLOAD_TYPE_STRING, null);

use TreeNodes\GenericTypedPayloadTreeNode;
use TreeNodes\TypedPayloadTreeNode;

$myObject = new MyObject();
$treeNode = new GenericTypedPayloadTreeNode($myObject, TypedPayloadTreeNode::PAYLOAD_TYPE_OBJECT_WITH_FQDN,MyObject::class);

use TreeNodes\GenericTreeNode;

$rootTreeNode = new GenericTreeNode('Root');
$treeNodeA = new GenericTreeNode('A');


use TreeNodes\GenericSortableTreeNode;

$rootTreeNode = new GenericSortableTreeNode('Root');

$treeNodeA = new GenericSortableTreeNode('A');

echo $treeNodeA->getPerLevelSorting(); //Prints 1 (first child for current parent node)

$treeNodeB = new GenericSortableTreeNode('B');

echo $treeNodeB->getPerLevelSorting(); //Prints 2 (second child for current parent node)

//assume we want to move `$treeNodeB` to sorting 1
GenericSortableTreeNode::processNewSortingRequest($treeNodeB, 1);

echo $treeNodeA->getPerLevelSorting(); //Prints 2 now (automatically changed within the sort request)
echo $treeNodeB->getPerLevelSorting(); //Prints 1 now

use TreeNodes\GenericSortableTreeNode;

$rootTreeNode = new GenericSortableTreeNode('Root');
$treeNodeA = new GenericSortableTreeNode('A');
$treeNodeB = new GenericSortableTreeNode('B');
$treeNodeC = new GenericSortableTreeNode('C');
$treeNodeD = new GenericSortableTreeNode('D');
$treeNodeE = new GenericSortableTreeNode('E');
$treeNodeF = new GenericSortableTreeNode('F');
$treeNodeG = new GenericSortableTreeNode('G');




//assume we want to move C (with all children E,F,G) to new parent node Root and sorting 2.

echo $treeNodeC->getParent()->getPayload(); //Prints Root
echo $treeNodeC->getLevel(); //Prints 1
echo $treeNodeC->getPerLevelSorting(); //Prints 2

use TreeNodes\GenericTreeNode;

$rootTreeNode = new GenericTreeNode('Root');
$treeNodeA = new GenericTreeNode('A');


echo $rootTreeNode->getNoOfChildren(); //Prints 1
echo $rootTreeNode->getNoOfChildren(); //Prints 0

use TreeNodes\GenericSortableTreeNode;

$rootTreeNode = new GenericSortableTreeNode('Root');
$treeNodeA = new GenericSortableTreeNode('A');


echo $rootTreeNode->getNoOfChildrenWithSorting(); //Prints 1
echo $rootTreeNode->getNoOfChildrenWithSorting(); //Prints 0