PHP code example of dave-liddament / phpstan-rule-test-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dave-liddament/phpstan-rule-test-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dave-liddament / phpstan-rule-test-helper example snippets

use DaveLiddament\PhpstanRuleTestHelper\AbstractRuleTestCase;

class CallableFromRuleTest extends AbstractRuleTestCase
    protected function getRule(): Rule
        return new CallableFromRule($this->createReflectionProvider());

    public function testAllowedCall(): void
        $this->assertIssuesReported(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/SomeCode.php');
class SomeCode
    public function go(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->updateName("world");  // ERROR Can not call method

use DaveLiddament\PhpstanRuleTestHelper\AbstractRuleTestCase;

class CallableFromRuleTest extends AbstractRuleTestCase
    // `getRule` and `testAllowedCall` methods are as above and are omitted for brevity
    protected function getErrorFormatter(): string
        return "Can not call method";
class SomeCode
    public function go(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->updateName("world");  // ERROR
    public function go2(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->remove();  // ERROR

use DaveLiddament\PhpstanRuleTestHelper\AbstractRuleTestCase;

class CallableFromRuleTest extends AbstractRuleTestCase
    // `getRule` and `testAllowedCall` methods are as above and are omitted for brevity
    protected function getErrorFormatter(): string
        return "Can not call {0} from within class {1}";
class SomeCode
    public function go(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->updateName("world");  // ERROR Item::updateName|SomeCode
    public function go2(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->remove();  // ERROR Item::remove|SomeCode

use DaveLiddament\PhpstanRuleTestHelper\AbstractRuleTestCase;

class CallableFromRuleTest extends AbstractRuleTestCase
    // `getRule` and `testAllowedCall` methods omitted are as above and are for brevity
    protected function getErrorFormatter(): ErrorMessageFormatter
        new class() extends ErrorMessageFormatter {
            public function getErrorMessage(string $errorContext): string
                $parts = $this->getErrorMessageAsParts($errorContext);
                $calledFrom = count($parts) === 2 ?  'class '.$parts[1] : 'outside an object';
                return sprintf('Can not call %s from %s', $parts[0], $calledFrom);
class SomeCode
    public function go(): void
        $item = new Item("hello");
        $item->updateName("world");  // ERROR Item::updateName|SomeCode
$item = new Item("hello");
$item->remove();  // ERROR Item::remove