PHP code example of datana-gmbh / fake-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download datana-gmbh/fake-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


datana-gmbh / fake-api-client example snippets

use Datana\FakeApi\FakeApiClient;

$baseUri = 'https://api.fake-api...';
$username = '...';
$password = '...';
$disableCache = true; // optional
$timeout = 10; // optional

$client = new FakeApiClient($baseUri, $username, $password, $disableCache, $timeout);

// you can now request any endpoint which needs authentication
$client->request('GET', '/api/something', $options);

use Datana\FakeApi\DateneingabenApi;
use Datana\FakeApi\FakeClient;
use Datana\Formulario\Api\Domain\Value\DateneingabenId;

$client = new FakeClient(/* ... */);

$api = new DateneingabenApi($client);
$response = $api->byAktenzeichen('1abcde-1234-5678-Mustermann');

 * to get the DateneingabenId transform the response to array
 * and use the 'id' key.
$akten = $response->toArray();
$dateneingabenId = DateneingabenId::fromInt($akte['id']);

use Datana\FakeApi\DateneingabenApi;
use Datana\FakeApi\FakeClient;
use Datana\Formulario\Api\Domain\Value\DateneingabenId;

$client = new FakeClient(/* ... */);

$api = new DateneingabenApi($client);

$id = DateneingabenId::fromInt(123);


use Datana\FakeApi\StatisticsApi;
use Datana\FakeApi\FakeClient;

$client = new FakeClient(/* ... */);

$api = new StatisticsApi($client);

$api->numberOfCockpitInvitationMailsSent(); // 42