PHP code example of dasann / kubernetes-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dasann/kubernetes-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dasann / kubernetes-client example snippets


$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',

// Find pods by label selector
$pods = $client->pods()->setLabelSelector([
	'name'    => 'test',
	'version' => 'a',

// Both setLabelSelector and setFieldSelector can take an optional
// second parameter which lets you define inequality based selectors (ie using the != operator)
$pods = $client->pods()->setLabelSelector([
	'name'    => 'test'], 
	['env'     =>  'staging']

// Find pods by field selector
$pods = $client->pods()->setFieldSelector([
	'' => 'test',

// Find first pod with label selector (same for field selector)
$pod = $client->pods()->setLabelSelector([
	'name' => 'test',

$jobStartTime = $client->jobs()->find()->getJsonPath('$.status.startTime')[0];

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;
$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',

use Da\Kubernetes\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as Guzzle6Client;
$httpClient = Guzzle6Client::createWithConfig([
	'verify' => '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.crt',
	'cert' => '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/client.crt',
	'ssl_key' => '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/client.key',
$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',
], null, $httpClient);

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as Guzzle6Client;
$httpClient = Guzzle6Client::createWithConfig([
	'verify' => false,
$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',
], null, $httpClient);

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;
$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',
	'username' => 'admin',
	'password' => 'abc123',

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as Guzzle6Client;
$httpClient = Guzzle6Client::createWithConfig([
	'verify' => '/var/run/secrets/',
$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',
	'token' => '/var/run/secrets/',
], null, $httpClient);

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;

// Parsing from the file data directly
$config = Client::parseKubeConfig('kubeconfig yaml data');

// Parsing from the file path
$config = Client::parseKubeConfigFile('~/.kube/config.yml');

// Example config that may be returned
// You would then feed these options into the http/kubernetes client constructors.
$config = [
	'master' => '',
	'ca_cert' => '/temp/path/ca.crt',
	'client_cert' => '/temp/path/client.crt',
	'client_key' => '/temp/path/client.key',

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Client;

$repositories = new RepositoryRegistry();
$repositories['things'] = MyApp\Kubernetes\Repository\ThingRepository::class;

$client = new Client([
	'master' => '',
], $repositories);

$client->things(); //ThingRepository

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Models\ReplicationController;

$replicationController = new ReplicationController([
	'metadata' => [
		'name' => 'nginx-test',
		'labels' => [
			'name' => 'nginx-test',
	'spec' => [
		'replicas' => 1,
		'template' => [
			'metadata' => [
				'labels' => [
					'name' => 'nginx-test',
			'spec' => [
				'containers' => [
						'name'  => 'nginx',
						'image' => 'nginx',
						'ports' => [
								'containerPort' => 80,
								'protocol'      => 'TCP',

if ($client->replicationControllers()->exists($replicationController->getMetadata('name'))) {
} else {

$replicationController = $client->replicationControllers()->setLabelSelector([
	'name' => 'nginx-test',

use Dasann\Kubernetes\Models\DeleteOptions;

	new DeleteOptions(['propagationPolicy' => 'Background'])