PHP code example of darthsoup / laravel-whmcs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download darthsoup/laravel-whmcs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


darthsoup / laravel-whmcs example snippets

'Whmcs' => DarthSoup\Whmcs\Facades\Whmcs::class

use DarthSoup\Whmcs\WhmcsManager;

class WhmcsController extends Controller
    private WhmcsManager $whmcsManager;

    public function __construct(WhmcsManager $whmcsManager)
        $this->whmcsManager = $whmcsManager;

    public function index()
        $result = $this->whmcsManager->client()->getClients();

use \DarthSoup\Whmcs\Facades\Whmcs;
# or
use \Whmcs;

\Whmcs::Client()->getClientsDomains(['clientid' => '1']);

use \DarthSoup\Whmcs\Facades\Whmcs;

# Obtaining a list of domains purchased by the customer
\Whmcs::Client()->getClientsDomains(['clientid' => '1']);

# Obtaining a list of products purchased by the customer
\Whmcs::Client()->getClientsProducts(['clientid' => '12345']);

# Retrieve a specific invoice
\Whmcs::Billing()->getInvoice(['invoiceid' => '1337']);

# Retrieves all Orders from the system

# Obtain internal users
\Whmcs::Users()->getUsers(['search' => '[email protected]']);

# Custom Method (in case you added custom endpoints) 
\Whmcs::Custom()-><myEndpoint>(['foo' => 'bar']);
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DarthSoup\Whmcs\WhmcsServiceProvider"