PHP code example of dariushha / zinux

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dariushha/zinux library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dariushha / zinux example snippets

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");


    # PROJECT-ROOT/application/appBoostrap.php
    namespace application;

    class appBoostrap extends \zinux\kernel\application\applicationBootstrap
        public function PRE_CHECK(\zinux\kernel\routing\request &$request)
             * this is a pre-strap function use this on pre-bootstrap opt.
             * @param \zinux\kernel\routing\request $request

        public function post_FOO(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
             * this is a post-strap function use this on post-bootstrap opt.
             * @param \zinux\kernel\routing\request $request

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");


  $app ->Startup()
        * 1'st boostrap file
       ->SetBootstrap(new \application\appBootstrap)
        * 2'nd boostrap file
       ->SetBootstrap(new \application\anotherAppBootstrap)

    namespace modules\defaultModule;

    class defaultBootstrap

      # Predispatch method #1
      public function PRE_echo(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
        echo "I am predispatch #1<br />";

        echo "<div style='color:darkred'>";
        echo "<br />You have requested:";
        echo "<br />Module : ".$request->module->full_name;
        echo "<br />Controller : ".$request->controller->full_name;
        echo "<br />Action : ".$request->action->full_name;
        echo "<br />View : ".$request->view->full_name;
        echo "</div>";

      # Predispatch method #2
      public function PRE_echo1(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am predispatch #2<br />";

      # Postdispatch method #1
      public function POST_echo(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am postdispatch #1<br />";

      # Postdispatch method #2
      public function POST_echo1(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am postdispatch #2<br />";

      # This function would never gets called beacause
      # It does not have 'pre_' OR 'post_' naming prefix
      public function FooFunc()
          echo __METHOD__." will never get invoked...";

   # in our controller we path varibales like this
   $this->view->passed_from_controller = $some_value;

   # in our view we access variable like this
   echo $this->passed_from_controller;

   # in our controller OR view we path varibales like this
   $this->layout->passed_from_controller_or_view = $some_value;

   # in our layout we access variable like this
   echo $this->passed_from_controller_or_view;

  # Assume that we have Layout named 'LoginView'(case-insensitve) under current module/controller

  # following code will change current view to 'LoginView'

  # disable view(i.e loading no view only view)

  # Assume that we have Layout named 'CoolLayout'(case-insensitve) under current module

  # following code will change current layout to 'CoolLayout'

  # disable any layouting(i.e loading no layout only view)

  # Assume that we have Helper file named 'fOoModel.php'(case-insensitve) under current module

  # loades fOoModel.php which is under current module ($this->request->module)
  # the exact use of this code is valid in
  #   {Contoller}
  #   {Model}
  #   {View}
  #   {Layout}

  new \zinux\kernel\mvc\helper("foo", $this->request->module);

  # now we can use functions in 'fOoHelper.php' file
  some_Function_In_fOo('Hello, world')

    # this controller locates at
    # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModule/Controllers/FooController.php
    namespace \Modules\SomeController\Controllers;

     * Remember that files pathes are not case sensitive

    class FooController extends \zinux\kernel\controller\baseController
       public function Initiate()
          * Do your init stuffs here
          * This method will get called
          * just before invoking actions

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/some/var?or=GET
        *  |OR|
        *  /some/foo/index/some/var?or=GET
       public function IndexAction()
         # lets see that is the request's params are
          * output:
          * Array
          * (
          *     [some] => var
          *     [or] => GET
          * )

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/feed
       public function FeedAction()
         # let assume that we have some data
         $data = some_data_generator();

         # if the 'json' format is requested
         # i.e the uri is :
         # /some/foo/feed.json
         if($this->request->type == "json")
           # we dont want any view or layout here
           # print out json format of data
           echo json_encode($data);
         # or if the 'raw' format is requested
         # i.e the uri is :
         # /some/foo/feed.json
         elseif($this->request->type == "raw")
           # we dont want any view or layout here
           # print out the raw format of $data

         # if was not a json request
         # pass data to view
         $this->view->some_data = $data;

         # set layout to feedLayout

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/modeluse
       public function ModelUseAction()
          * In this action are trying to show
          * how to use model and helper
         # Assume that we have a model in following path
         # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModule/Models/Xoxo.php
         $o = \modules\SomeModule\Models\Xoxo();
         # fetch some data from xoxo class
         $this->view->new_data = $o->get_some_data();
         # test data validation
           # Assume that we have a helper in following path
           # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModules/Views/Helper/A_helper.php
           new \zinux\kernel\mvc\helper("a_helper", $this->request->module);
           # in A_helper.php we have bellow function
           $this->view->proc_data = proccess_data($this->view->new_data);
           # change the view
            throw new \zinux\kernel\exceptions\notFoundException("data not found!");

	# PROJECT-ROOT/application/someRoutes.php
	namespace application;
	 * This is a class to add custom-routes to route maps
	class someRoutes extends \zinux\kernel\routing\routerBootstrap
	    public function Fetch()
	         * Route Example For This:
	         *      /note/1234/edit/what/so/ever?nonsences=passed => /note/edit/1234/what/so/ever?nonsences=passed
	        $this->addRoute("/note/$1/edit$2", "/note/edit/$1$2");

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");


    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

     up with any cache directory
    	# the zinux will pick /tmp/zinux-cache as its cache directory
    	# setting Config iniliazer
    	->SetConfigIniliazer(new \zinux\kernel\utilities\iniParser("/path/to/config/file", RUNNING_ENV))

  # Assume that in out ini file we have following lines
   * = localhost
   * config.db.username = USERNAME
   * config.db.password = PASSWORD
   * config.db.dbname = DB_NAME

  # output: localhost
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "host");

  # output: USERNAME
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "username");

  # output: PASSWORD
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "password");

  # output: DB_NAME
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "dbname");

  # file : PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/initializer.php

  namespace vendor\db\ActiveRecord;

   * php-activerecord initializer
   * @author dariush
   * @version 1.0
  class ARInitializer extends \zinux\kernel\application\baseInitializer
      public function Execute()
	    # Where PHPActive-record lib. is stored
	    # location:  PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/vendor
                'development' => 'mysql://username:password@localhost/database_name'));

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");


     * in 'zinux/baseZinux.php' you will see the zinux
     * introduces the project's root directory as a plugin
     * to itself since the registerPlugin() considers plugins
     * under PROJECT-ROOT directory by passing no plugin directory
     * it will add the PROJECT-ROOT as a plugin!

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    OOT/sundires" directory
    	->registerPlugin("sundries", "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/sundires")
	 	# 'FooPlug' plugin is under "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/FooPlug" directory
    	->registerPlugin("FooPlug", "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/FooPlug")

  # Where PHPActive-record lib. is stored
  # location:  PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/vendor

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    ass `\Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER`
    # Just do class the `\Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER` here!
    $plugin_init = \Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER();

    $app ->Startup()