PHP code example of danielme85 / laravel-cconverter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download danielme85/laravel-cconverter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


danielme85 / laravel-cconverter example snippets

//To convert a value
$valueNOK = Currency::conv($from = 'USD', $to = 'NOK', $value = 10, $decimals = 2);

//To convert a value based on historical data
$valueNOK = Currency::conv($from = 'USD', $to = 'NOK', $value = 10, $decimals = 2, $date = '2018-12-24');

//to get an array of all the rates associated to a base currency.
$rates = Currency::rates(); //defaults to USD

$rates = Currency::rates('NOK');

//Get historical rates
$rates = Currency::rates('NOK', '2018-12-24');

$currency = new Currency();
$values = [1, 3, 4, 5...].
foreach ($values as $value) {
    $valueNOK = $currency->convert($from = 'USD', $to = 'NOK', $value = 10, $decimals = 2);

$rates = $currency->getRates('NOK');
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
    $value = $valueNOK * $rate;

$currency = new Currency(
    $api = 'yahoo', 
    $https = false, 
    $useCache = false, 
    $cacheMin = 0);
$result = Currency:conv(
    $from = 'USD', 
    $to = 'NOK', 
    $value = 10, 
    $decimals = 2, 
    $date = '2018-12-24', 
    $api = 'yahoo', 
    $https = false, 
    $useCache = false, 
    $cacheMin = 0);

Currency::conv('USD', 'USD', 10, 2);
//Result: 10
Currency::conv('USD', 'USD', 10, 'money');
//Result: $10.00
$currency->convert('USD', 'USD', 10, 'money');
//Result: $10.00

$formater = Currency::money($amount = 0, $currency = 'USD');

echo moneyFormat(10, 'USD');
//Result: $10.00

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="danielme85\CConverter\CConverterServiceProvider"