PHP code example of danielkellyio / mailgun-mailable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download danielkellyio/mailgun-mailable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


danielkellyio / mailgun-mailable example snippets

use DanielKellyIO\MailgunMailable\MailgunMailable;
// ...

class YourEmail extends Mailable {
	use MailgunMailable;

	public function build() {
		$this->tags(['tag-1', 'tag-2']);
		// ...

use DanielKellyIO\MailgunMailable\MailgunMailable;
// ...

class YourEmail extends Mailable {
	use MailgunMailable;

	public function build() {
            'greeting' => 'Hello',
            'name' => 'Daniel'
		// ...

use DanielKellyIO\MailgunMailable\MailgunHelpers;

Mail::send( 'your-email-template', [], function ( $m ) {
    $m->to( '[email protected]' )->subject( 'Test Email' );
    MailgunHelpers::tags($m, ['tag-1', 'tag-2']);
    MailgunHelpers::variables($m, [
        'greeting' => 'Hello',
        'name' => 'Daniel'