PHP code example of dagstuhl / swh-archive-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dagstuhl/swh-archive-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dagstuhl / swh-archive-client example snippets

return [
    'web-api' => [
        'token' => env('SWH_WEB_API_TOKEN'),
        'url' => env('SWH_WEB_API_URL'),
        // optional: caching of get requests for objects in the archive 
        'cache-folder' => env('SWH_WEB_API_CACHE_FOLDER'), // return null to disable cache
        'cache-ttl' => env('SWH_WEB_API_CACHE_TTL'),

// start with a url
$repo = Repository::fromNodeUrl('');

// create the corresponding origin object
$origin = Origin::fromRepository($repo);

// ask the origin for the SoftwareHeritage visits
$visits = $origin->getVisits();

// get the snapshot object from a specific visit 
$snapshot = $visits[0]->getSnapshot();

// get the list of branches from a snapshot
$branches = $snapshot->getBranches();

$revision = Revision::byId('60476b518914683d35ef08dd6cfdc7809e280c75');

// take the last snapshot
$snapshot = $visits[0]->getSnapshot();

// take a "path" to a file/directory inside the repo
$repoNode = new RepositoryNode('');

// identify this node inside the snapshot (i.e., get the context) 
$context = $snapshot->getContext($repoNode);

// display the full identifier

$swhClient = SwhWebApiClient::getCurrent();

// create a repository instance from a url that points to a repo or a specific file/directory inside the repo
$repo = Repository::fromNodeUrl('');

// submit a save request to Software Heritage 
$origin = Origin::fromRepository($repo);
$saveRequest = $origin->postSaveRequest();

if ($saveRequest === null) {
    // connection or network error
    dd('Internal server error', $swhClient->getException(), $swhClient->getLastResponse());
else {
    dd('SaveRequest created by SoftwareHeritage, SaveRequestId: '.$saveRequest->id);
    // store $saveRequest->id in local DB to track the status of this request

$saveRequest = SaveRequest::byId($saveRequestId)

if ($saveRequest->saveRequestStatus == SaveRequestStatus::REJECTED) {
    dd('save request rejected -> abort');
elseif ($saveRequest->saveTaskStatus == SaveTaskStatus::SUCCEEDED) {
    if ($saveRequest->snapshotSwhId === null) {
        dd('no snapshot though request succeeded -> this should actually not happen');
    else {
        $snapshot = $saveRequest->getSnapshot();
        $repoNode = new RepositoryNode($repoNodeUrl ?? $saveRequest->originUrl);
        $context = $snapshot->getContext($repoNode);
        dd('success', $snapshot, $context, $context->getIdentifier());
else {
    dd('pending -> loop this code block again', $saveRequest);

$snapshot = Snapshot::byId('non-existing-or-invalid-id'); // to provoke an error 

if ($snapshot === null) {
    $swhClient = SwhWebApiClient::getCurrent();
        $swhClient->getException(),     // last exception (e.g., in case of a network issue)
        $swhClient->getLastResponse()   // access the last HTTP response (incl. status code, headers) for debugging purposes 

$swhClient = SwhWebApiClient::getCurrent();
$swhClient->clearCache('2024-09-07'); // clears the cache for a specific date
$swhClient->clearCache(); // clears the whole cache

    'X-RateLimit-Limit' => 1200,      // max. number of permitted requests per hour
    'X-RateLimit-Remaining' => 1138,  // remaining in current period
    'X-RateLimit-Reset' => 1620639052 // at this timestamp, the rate-limit will be refreshed