PHP code example of czproject / phpcli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download czproject/phpcli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


czproject / phpcli example snippets

$name = $console->getArgument(0)->getValue(); // string|NULL

$size = $console->getArgument(1, 'int')
	->addRule(function ($value) {
		return $value > 0;

$price = $console->getArgument(2, 'float') // float

$name = $console->getOption('name')->getValue(); // string|NULL

$size = $console->getOption('size', 'int')
	->addRule(function ($value) {
		return $value > 0;

$price = $console->getOption('price', 'float') // float

$words = $console->getOption('word')
use CzProject\PhpCli\ConsoleFactory;


// output
$console->output('CzProject CLI Simple Console', 'green')
	->nl() // new line
	->output('Hey!', 'yellow')
	->output('Fred!', 'blue')
	->output('Fred is dead!', 'red')
	->output(['nooooooo...!', ' ', 'But, no problem!'], 'gray')
	->output('The end.')

// input
$username = $console->input('Enter your name');

$console->output('Hello! ', 'blue')
	->output($username, 'green')
	->output(' [user]', 'yellow')
	->nl() // print new line
	->output('Bye!', 'blue')

// input with default value
$username = $console->input('Enter your name', 'John');

// confirm
$agree = $console->confirm('Do you want to continue?');

// confirm with default value
$canQuit = $console->confirm('Really?', TRUE);

// select
$value = $console->select('Select color:', [
	'value' => 'label',
	'#ff0000' => 'Red',
	'#00ff00' => 'Green',
	'#0000ff' => 'Blue',

// select with default value
$value = $console->select('Select color:', [
	'value' => 'label',
	'#ff0000' => 'Red',
	'#00ff00' => 'Green',
	'#0000ff' => 'Blue',
], '#ff0000');