PHP code example of czepter / detect-device
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download czepter/detect-device library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
czepter / detect-device example snippets
// Any mobile device (phones or tablets)
if (Detect\Detect::isMobile()) {
echo 'is mobile!';
// Gets the device type ('Computer', 'Phone' or 'Tablet')
echo Detect\Detect::deviceType();
// Any phone device
if (Detect\Detect::isPhone()) {
echo 'is phone!';
// Any tablet device
if (Detect\Detect::isTablet()) {
echo 'is tablet!';
// Any computer device (desktops or laptops)
if (Detect\Detect::isComputer()) {
echo 'is computer!';
// Get the IP address of the device
echo Detect\Detect::ip();
// Get the ID address host name of the device
echo Detect\Detect::ipHostname();
// Get the IP address organisation of the device
echo Detect\Detect::ipOrg();
// Get the country the IP address is in (IP address location inaccurate)
// (JS function available which uses the Geolocation API)
echo Detect\Detect::ipCountry();
// Get the name & version of operating system
echo Detect\Detect::os();
// Get the name & version of browser
echo Detect\Detect::browser();
// Detect\Detects if IE is version 9 or less & if it is, returns a warning:
// <strong>YOU ARE USING AN OUTDATED BROWSER</strong><br>It is limiting your experience.<br>Please upgrade your browser.
// Optionally, send html to be prepended or appended to warning
echo Detect\Detect::ieOld([$prependHTML = ''],[ $appendHTML = '']);
// Get the brand of device (only works with mobile devices otherwise return null)
echo Detect\Detect::brand();
// Check for a specific platform with the help of the magic methods:
if (Detect\Detect::isiOS()) {
if (Detect\Detect::isAndroidOS()) {