PHP code example of cypresslab / gitelephant

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cypresslab/gitelephant library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cypresslab / gitelephant example snippets

use GitElephant\Repository;
$repo = new Repository('/path/to/git/repository');
// or the factory method
$repo = Repository::open('/path/to/git/repository');

// get the current status
$repo->getStatusOutput(); // returns an array of lines of the status message

$repo->getBranches(); // return an array of Branch objects
$repo->getMainBranch(); // return the Branch instance of the current checked out branch
$repo->getBranch('master'); // return a Branch instance by its name
$develop = Branch::checkout($repo, 'develop');
$develop = Branch::checkout($repo, 'develop', true); // create and checkout

$repo->getTags(); // array of Tag instances
$repo->getTag('v1.0'); // a Tag instance by name
Tag::pick($repo, 'v1.0'); // a Tag instance by name

// last tag by date

$repo->getCommit(); // get a Commit instance of the current HEAD
$repo->getCommit('v1.0'); // get a Commit instance for a tag
$repo->getCommit('1ac370d'); // full sha or part of it
// or directly create a commit object
$commit = new Commit($repo, '1ac370d');
$commit = new Commit($repo, '1ac370d'); // head commit

// count commits
$repo->countCommits('1ac370d'); // number of commits to arrive at 1ac370d
// commit is countable, so, with a commit object, you can do
// as well as

$repo->getRemote('origin'); // a Remote object
$repo->getRemotes(); // array of Remote objects

// Log contains a collection of commit objects
// syntax: getLog(<tree-ish>, path = null, limit = 15, offset = null)
$log = $repo->getLog();
$log = $repo->getLog('master', null, 5);
$log = $repo->getLog('v0.1', null, 5, 10);
// or directly create a log object
$log = new Log($repo);
$log = new Log($repo, 'v0.1', null, 5, 10);

// countable

// iterable
foreach ($log as $commit) {
    echo $commit->getMessage();

$status = $repo->getStatus();
$status = GitElephant\Status\Status::get($repo); // it's the same...

$status->all(); // A Sequence of StatusFile objects

$repo->init(); // init
$repo->cloneFrom("git://"); // clone

// stage changes
$repo->stage(); // stage all

// commit
$repo->commit('my first commit');
$repo->commit('my first commit', true); // commit and stage every pending changes in the working tree

// remotes
$repo->addRemote('awesome', 'git://');

// checkout
$repo->checkout($repo->getTag('v1.0')); // checkout a tag
$repo->checkout('master'); // checkout master

// manage branches
$repo->createBranch('develop'); // create a develop branch from current checked out branch
$repo->createBranch('develop', 'master'); // create a develop branch from master
$repo->deleteBranch('develop'); // delete the develop branch
$repo->checkoutAllRemoteBranches('origin'); // checkout all the branches from the remote repository

// manage tags
// create  a tag named v1.0 from master with the given tag message
$repo->createTag('v1.0', 'master', 'my first release!');
// create  a tag named v1.0 from the current checked out branch with the given tag message
$repo->createTag('v1.0', null, 'my first release!');
// create a tag from a Commit object

$repo = new Repository('/path/to/git/repository');
$connection = ssh_connect('host', 'port');
// authorize the connection with the method you want
ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'user', 'password');
$caller = new CallerSSH2($connection, '/path/to/git/binary/on/server');
$repo = Repository::open('/path/to/git/repository');

$tree = $repo->getTree(); // retrieve the actual *HEAD* tree
$tree = $repo->getTree($repo->getCommit('1ac370d')); // retrieve a tree for a given commit
$tree = $repo->getTree('master', 'lib/vendor'); // retrieve a tree for a given path
// generate a tree
$tree = new Tree($repo);

foreach ($tree as $treeObject) {
    echo $treeObject;

echo $treeObject; // the name of the object (folder, file or link)
$treeObject->getType(); // one class constant of Object::TYPE_BLOB, Object::TYPE_TREE and Object::TYPE_LINK

$subtree = $repo->getTree('master', $treeObject);

// get the diff between the given commit and it parent
$diff = $repo->getDiff($repo->getCommit());
// get the diff between two commits
$diff = $repo->getDiff($repo->getCommit('1ac370d'), $repo->getCommit('8fb7281'));
// same as before for a given path
$diff = $repo->getDiff($repo->getCommit('1ac370d'), $repo->getCommit('8fb7281'), 'lib/vendor');
// or even pass a Object
$diff = $repo->getDiff($repo->getCommit('1ac370d'), $repo->getCommit('8fb7281'), $treeObject);
// alternatively you could directly use the sha of the commit
$diff = $repo->getDiff('1ac370d', '8fb7281');
// manually generate a Diff object
$diff = Diff::create($repo); // defaults to the last commit
// or as explained before
$diff = Diff::create($repo, '1ac370d', '8fb7281');

foreach ($diff as $diffObject) {
    // mode is a constant of the DiffObject class
    // DiffObject::MODE_INDEX an index change
    // DiffObject::MODE_MODE a mode change
    // DiffObject::MODE_NEW_FILE a new file change
    // DiffObject::MODE_DELETED_FILE a deleted file change
    echo $diffObject->getMode();

foreach ($diffObject as $diffChunk) {
    if (count($diffChunk) > 0) {
        echo "change detected from line ".$diffChunk->getDestStartLine()." to ".$diffChunk->getDestEndLine();
        foreach ($diffChunk as $diffChunkLine) {
            echo $diffChunkLine; // output the line content