PHP code example of cymapgt / phpass

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cymapgt/phpass library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cymapgt / phpass example snippets

// Default configuration - bcrypt adapter, 2^12 (4,096) iterations
$phpassHash = new \Phpass\Hash;

// Customize hash adapter - PBKDF2 adapter, 15,000 iterations
$adapter = new \Phpass\Hash\Adapter\Pbkdf2(array (
    'iterationCount' => 15000
$phpassHash = new \Phpass\Hash($adapter);

// Create and verify a password hash from any of the above configurations
$passwordHash = $phpassHash->hashPassword($password);
if ($phpassHash->checkPassword($password, $passwordHash)) {
    // Password matches...
} else {
    // Password doesn't match...

// Default configuration (NIST recommendations)
$phpassStrength = new \Phpass\Strength;

// Returns 30
$passwordEntropy = $phpassStrength->calculate('MySecretPassword');

// Custom strength adapter (Wolfram algorithm)
$adapter = new \Phpass\Strength\Adapter\Wolfram;
$phpassStrength = new \Phpass\Strength($adapter);

// Returns 59
$passwordEntropy = $phpassStrength->calculate('MySecretPassword');