PHP code example of cumulati / monolog-context

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cumulati/monolog-context library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cumulati / monolog-context example snippets

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Cumulati\Monolog\LogContext;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;

// create a simple monolog logger
$lineFormat = '%level_name% > %message% %context% %extra%' . PHP_EOL;
$formatter = new LineFormatter($lineFormat);
$logger = new Logger('context');
$handler = new StreamHandler('php://stdout');
$logger->info('Generic Logger');

$cx = new LogContext();
$cx->info('Using manually set logger');
# Using manually set logger [] []

// Logging with the default logger
$cx = new LogContext();

// clear the default logger
$cx->info('This will not log');

// set the default logger
$cx->info('Using the default logger');

$cx = new LogContext(['Tyrion' => 'good']);

// log with context
$cx->info('This will log with context');

// update context
$cx->addContext(['Tyrion' => 'Lannister']);
$cx->info('This will replace context');

// override context
$cx->info('This will override context', ['Tyrion' => 'bad']);

// replace all context
$cx->setContext(['Dolores' => 'Evan Rachel Wood']);
$cx->info('This will log with replaced context');

$cx->addContext(['Bernard' => 'Jeffrey Wright']);
$cx->info('Add context');
$cx->deleteContext(['multiple', 'removes']);
$cx->info('Delete some context');

// remove all context
$cx->info('No context added');

$cx = new LogContext();

$cx->info('Log with a counter', ['_counter' => 'apples']);
$cx->info('Log with a counter', ['_counter' => 'apples']);
$cx->info('Not incrementing a counter');
// log with multiple counters, creating one on the fly
$cx->info('Log with a counter', ['_counter' => ['apples', 'bananas']]);

// get the counters

// reset a counter
$cx->info('Counter is reset', ['_counter' => 'apples']);

// add multiple counters
$cx->addCounter(['apples', 'bananas']);
$cx->addCounter('pears', 'grapes');

// inline counters
	->info('With a counter');
$cx->withCounter('hello', 'world')
	->info('With multiple counters');

// set the counter key
$cx->info('Using a different counter key', ['_c' => 'fruits']);

// Set the default counter key
$cx = new LogContext();
$cx->info('This has default counter key', ['C' => 't']);

$cx = new LogContext();

// create a timer

// log with the timer
$cx->info('Log with a timer', ['_timer' => 'start']);

// add multiple timers
$cx->addTimer(['go0', 'go1']);
$cx->addTimer('go2', 'go3');

// with an inline timer
->info('Log with a timer inline');

// get the counters

// set the counter key
$cx->info('Using a different timer key', ['_t' => 'start']);

// Set the default timer key
$cx = new LogContext();
$cx->info('This has default timer key', ['T' => 'x']);

$cx = new LogContext();
$cx->info('Add context id');
$cx->info('Which is shared with all messages through this context');

// set the ctxId key
$cx->info('Different ctx key');

// remove custom ctxIdKey

// Set default ctxId key

$cx = new LogContext();
$cx->debug('This is a debug message');
$cx->info('This is a info message');
$cx->notice('This is a notice message');
$cx->warning('This is a warning message');
$cx->error('This is a error message');
$cx->critical('This is a critical message');
$cx->alert('This is a alert message');
$cx->emergency('This is fine.');