PHP code example of cultuurnet / search-v3

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cultuurnet/search-v3 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cultuurnet / search-v3 example snippets

$httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'headers' => [
        'X-Api-Key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY_FOR_TEST_ENV',

$searchClient = new CultuurNet\SearchV3\SearchClient(
    $httpClient, // HTTP client set up in the previous step
    new CultuurNet\SearchV3\Serializer\Serializer() // Built-in serializer to deserialize the JSON responses

$searchQuery = new \CultuurNet\SearchV3\SearchQuery();
$events = $searchClient->searchEvents($searchQuery); // Search events
$places = $searchClient->searchPlaces($searchQuery); // Search places
$offers = $searchClient->searchOffers($searchQuery); // Search both events + places

// Get pagination info

// Get the search results, as instances of CultuurNet\SearchV3\ValueObjects\Event
// and CultuurNet\SearchV3\ValueObjects\Place

// Get the facet results as an instance of CultuurNet\SearchV3\ValueObjects\FacetResults

$searchQuery = new \CultuurNet\SearchV3\SearchQuery();

// Embed the JSON-LD of the search results, instead of only the ID and type.

// Set the number of which result to fetch first. Defaults to 0.
// If the first page had a limit of 30 for example, and you want to get the results of the second page, set the start to
// 30. (So the start is always the limit multiplied by the page number you want to get, starting with 0.)

// Set the max amount of results to return per page.

// Add a sort (see SAPI3 docs for possible fields to sort on)
$searchQuery->addSort('created', 'ASC');

// Remove a sort

// Add a search parameter (see src/Parameter for all options)
    new CultuurNet\SearchV3\Parameter\AudienceType(

// Remove a search parameter (see src/Parameter for all options)
    new CultuurNet\SearchV3\Parameter\AudienceType(

$searchQuery->addParameter(new CultuurNet\SearchV3\Parameter\Label('foo'));
$searchQuery->addParameter(new CultuurNet\SearchV3\Parameter\Label('bar'));
// Will return only results that have both labels.