PHP code example of csrdelft / orm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download csrdelft/orm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


csrdelft / orm example snippets

  'cache_path' => '/path/to/data/dir/cache.socket', // Host or unix socket
  'cache_port' => 11211, // Optional if cache_path is a host
  'db' => [
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'db' => 'myDatabase',
    'user' => 'myUser',
    'pass' => 'myPass'

public $id;
public $num_wheels;
public $color;

protected static $table_name = 'cars';

protected static $persistent_attributes = [
  'id' => [T::Integer, false, 'auto_increment'],
  'num_wheels' => [T::Integer],
  'color' => [T::Enumeration, false, 'ColorEnum']

protected static $primary_key = ['id'];

protected static $computed_attributes = [
  'my_val' => [T::Integer],

protected function getMyVal() {
  return 42;

class Car extends PersistentEntity {
  public $id;
  public $num_wheels;
  public $color;

  public function carType() {
    if ($this->num_wheels == 4) {
      return "Normal car";
    } else {
      return "Weird car";

  protected static $table_name = 'cars';
  protected static $persistent_attributes = [
    'id' => [T::Integer, false, 'auto_increment'],
    'num_wheels' => [T::Integer],
    'color' => [T::Enumeration, false, 'ColorEnum']
  protected static $primary_key = ['id'];

const ORM = 'Car';

const ORM = Car::class;

protected static $default_order = 'num_wheels DESC';

CarModel::instance()->find('num_wheels = ? AND color = ?', [$normal_car_wheels, $car_color]);

class CarModel extends PersistenceModel {
  const ORM = 'Car';

  public function findByColor($color) {
    return $this->find('color = ?', [$color]);

$model = CarModel::instance();
$cars = $model->find();
$actual_cars = $model->find('num_wheels = 4');
$yellow_cars = $model->findByColor('yellow');

if (DB_CHECK) {
    $queries = DatabaseAdmin::instance()->getQueries();
    if (!empty($queries)) {
        if (DB_MODIFY) {
            header('Content-Type: text/x-sql');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=DB_modify_' . time() . '.sql');
            foreach ($queries as $query) {
                echo $query . ";\n";
        } else {

$model = CarModel::instance();
$car = $model->find()[0];

$review = new CarReview();
$review->userId = '1801';
$review->reviewText = 'Very good car!';

$car->reviews = [$review];

$car = new Car();
Database::transaction(function () use ($car) {

$container = $kernel->getContainer();


$container->set(OrmMemcache::class, new OrmMemcache($cachePath));
$container->set(Database::class, new Database($pdo));
$container->set(DatabaseAdmin::class, new DatabaseAdmin($pdo));

class OwnerModel extends PersistenceModel {
  const ORM = 'Owner';

  /** @var CarModel */
  protected $carModel;

  public function __construct(CarModel $carModel) {
    $this->carModel = $carModel;

  public function getCarsForOwner(Owner $owner) {
    return $this->carModel->find('owner = ?', [$owner->id]);

class CarModel extends PersistenceModel {
  const ORM = 'Car';

  public function findByColor($color) {
    return $this->find('color = ?', [$color]);

$owner = OwnerModel::instance()->find('id = 1');

$cars = OwnerModel::instance()->getCarsForOwner($owner);