PHP code example of cronitor / cronitor-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cronitor/cronitor-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cronitor / cronitor-php example snippets

$cronitor = new Cronitor\Client('api_key_123');

$closureVar = time();
$cronitor->job('weekly-report-job', function() use ($closureVar){
  new WeeklyReportJob($closureVar)->run();

$cronitor = new Cronitor\Client('api_key_123');

$monitor = $cronitor->monitor('heartbeat-monitor');

$monitor->ping(); # a basic heartbeat event

# optional params can be passed as kwargs
# complete list -

$monitor->ping(['state' => 'run']); # a job/process has started

# a job/process has completed (

# read config file and set credentials (if 
# sync config file's monitors to Cronitor.

# send config file's monitors to Cronitor to validate correctness.
# monitors will not be saved.

# save config to local YAML file (defaults to cronitor.yaml)

    'type' => 'job',
    'key' => 'send-customer-invoices',
    'schedule' => '0 0 * * *',
    'assertions' => [
        'metric.duration < 5 min'
    'notify' => ['devops-alerts-slack']
    'type' => 'check',
    'key' => 'Cronitor Homepage',
    'schedule' => 'every 45 seconds',
    'request' => [
        'url' => ''
    'assertions' => [
        'response.code = 200',
        'response.time < 1.5s',
        'response.json "open_orders" < 2000'

$monitor = $cronitor->monitor('heartbeat-monitor');

$monitor->pause(24) # pause alerting for 24 hours
$monitor->unpause() # alias for ->pause(0)
$monitor->ok() # manually reset to a passing state alias for $monitor->ping({state: ok})
$monitor->delete() # destroy the monitor

$apiKey = 'apiKey123';
$apiVersion = '2020-10-01';
$environment = 'staging';
$cronitor = new Cronitor\Client($apiKey, $apiVersion, $environment);