PHP code example of cronario / messenger

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cronario/messenger library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cronario / messenger example snippets

// Curl
$ping = new \Messenger\Curl\Job([
    'params'   => [
        'url'        => '',
        'method'     => 'GET',
        'expectCode' => 200,
    'comment'  => "ping each minute",
    'schedule' => '* * * * *',
    'isSync'   => false,

$result = $ping();

// Hipchat
$hipchat = new \Messenger\Hipchat\Job([
    'params'  => [
        'token'  => 'xxx',
        'room'   => 'MyRoom',
        'from'   => 'Test',
        'msg'    => 'text ...',
    'comment' => "hipchat message",
    'isSync'  => false,

$result = $hipchat();

// Sms
$sms = new \Messenger\Sms\Job([
    'params' => [
        'recipient' => '380670000000',
        'sender'    => 'SuperCompany',
        'text'      => "Hellow world!",
    'comment'     => "My first sms",
    'isSync'      => false,

$result = $sms();

// Mail
$mail = new \Messenger\Mail\Job([
    Job::P_PARAMS => [
        'fromMail' => '[email protected]',
        'fromName' => 'Big Boss',
        'toMail'   => "[email protected]",
        'subject'  => "Subject ...",
        'body'     => "Body ....",
    'comment'     => "My first mail",
    'isSync'      => false,

$result = $mail();