1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cronario/messenger-alphasms library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
cronario / messenger-alphasms example snippets
t class with your login/password
$sms = new SMSclient('qwerty', 'qwerty', 'API_KEY');
sendSMS(from (phone, name),to phone, message, timestamp when to send sms, wap-push link, flash flag (bool));
//send on SMS and receive it's id for tracking
//message in UTF-8
$id = $sms->sendSMS('AlphaSMS', '380931234567', 'Текст сообщения на русском языка в UTF-8 любой длинны');
//send WAP-PUSH message
//$id = $sms->sendSMS('Alpha Name','0931234567', 'Самый классный сайт!', time(), 'http://alphasms.com.ua/');
//send flash message at certain time
//$id = $sms->sendSMS('80501234567','80931234567', 'Flash message in english letters only!', strtotime('+1 minute'), '', 1);
//just for usage - text can be translierated to use less symbols in sms
//echo SMSclient::translit('Текст сообщения на русском языка в UTF-8 любой длинны');
//if no ID - then message is not sent and you should check errors
//doing something interesting...
//track message status after about 0,5 minute.
$res = $sms->receiveSMS($id);
var_dump($sms->getResponse());//full data
//get amount of money in account
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