PHP code example of crodas / languagedetector

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download crodas/languagedetector library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


crodas / languagedetector example snippets

// register the autoloader
bit of memory, but it's fine
// because this process runs once.
ini_set('memory_limit', '1G');

// we load the configuration (which will be serialized
// later into our language model file
$config = new LanguageDetector\Config;

$c = new LanguageDetector\Learn($config);
foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/samples/*') as $file) { 
    // feed with examples ('language', 'text');
    $c->addSample(basename($file), file_get_contents($file));

// some callback so we know where the process is 
$c->addStepCallback(function($lang, $status) {
    echo "Learning {$lang}: $status\n";

// save it in `datafile`. 
// we currently support the `php` serialization but it's trivial
// to add other formats, just extend `\LanguageDetector\Format\AbstractFormat`. 
//You can check example at

// register the autoloader
odel, it would create
// the $config object for us.
$detect = LanguageDetector\Detect::initByPath('language.php');

$lang = $detect->detect("Agricultura (-ae, f.), sensu latissimo, 
est summa omnium artium et scientiarum et technologiarum quae de 
terris colendis et animalibus creandis curant, ut poma, frumenta, 
charas, carnes, textilia, et aliae res e terra bene producantur. 
Specialius, agronomia est ars et scientia quae terris colendis student, 
agricultio autem animalibus creandis.")
