PHP code example of craffft / contao-restful-webservices
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download craffft/contao-restful-webservices library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
craffft / contao-restful-webservices example snippets
// systems/modules/mymodule/config/config.php
$GLOBALS['RESTFUL_WEBSERVICES']['ROUTING']['categories'] = array
// Define the webservice location (tional definition)
// You can use GET, PUT, POST and DELETE
'methods' => array('GET', 'POST'),
// Set '',
// Restrict CORS access by ip addresses (optional definition)
'cors' => array
// systems/modules/mymodule/webservices/WebserviceCategories.php
namespace MyAppNamespace;
use \Haste\Http\Response\JsonResponse;
class WebserviceCategories extends \RESTfulWebservices\RESTfulController
public function get()
$arrData = array();
// Add "Hello World!" to the json output
$arrData['status'] = 'Hello World!';
// Send response
$objResponse = new JsonResponse();
$objResponse->setContent($arrData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
public function put()
// Code for PUT requests
public function post()
// Code for POST requests
public function delete()
// Code for DELETE requests
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