PHP code example of cpsit / migrator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cpsit/migrator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cpsit / migrator example snippets

use CPSIT\Migrator\Diff;
use CPSIT\Migrator\Formatter;
use CPSIT\Migrator\Migrator;
use CPSIT\Migrator\Resource;

// Base contains all files that should be migrated
$base = new Resource\Collector\DirectoryCollector('/path/to/base/directory');

// Source and target define the code bases
// that are used to generate a diff
$source = new Resource\Collector\DirectoryCollector('/path/to/old/revision/files');
$target = new Resource\Collector\DirectoryCollector('/path/to/current/revision/files');

// Decide whether to actually perform migrations
// or just calculate a diff between the code bases
$performMigrations = true;

// Create differ, migrator and formatter
$differ = new Diff\Differ\GitDiffer();
$migrator = new Migrator($differ, $performMigrations);
$formatter = new Formatter\TextFormatter();

// Migrate files in your base directory
$diffResult = $migrator->migrate($source, $target, $base);

// Format diff
echo $formatter->format($diffResult);