PHP code example of coyote6 / laravel-permissions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download coyote6/laravel-permissions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


coyote6 / laravel-permissions example snippets

return [	
	'tables' => [
		'permissions' => 'permissions',
		'roles' => 'roles',
		'role-permissions' => 'role_permissions',
		'user-roles' => 'user_roles',
		'users' => 'users'								// This needs to match your user table name


use Coyote6\LaravelPermissions\Traits\HasRoles;
use Coyote6\LaravelPermissions\Traits\UserRoles;

class User extends Authenticatable {

	// Add the traits.
	use HasRoles,


use Coyote6\LaravelPermissions\Traits\AdminAccessTrait;

class ExamplePolicy {
	use AdminAccessTrait;

$u = User::find(1);

use Coyote6\LaravelPermissions\Models\Permissions;
use Coyote6\LaravelPermissions\Models\Models;

$permission = Permission::create (['name' => 'Name of Permission']); // A machine name id will automatically be created.
$role = Role::create (['name' => 'Name of Permission']); // A machine name id will automatically be created.


class ExamplePolicy {

	use AdminAccessTrait,
	public function view (User $user) {
		// Example using the machine name id for the permission
		if ($user->hasPermission ('do_something')) {
			return true;
		return false;
	public function create (User $user) {
		// Example using the name for the permission
		if ($user->hasPermission ('Create Example', 'name')) {
			return true;
		return false;

	@usercan ('do_something')
		<p>Show if user can do something</p>

	@usercan ('do_something|do_something_else')
		<p>Show if user can do something or do something else</p>

	@useris (1)
		<p>Show if user is user - 1</p>

	@useris ('1|2|3')
		<p>Show if user is user - 1, 2, or 3</p>

	@userisandcan (1, 'do_something')
		<p>Show if user is user - 1</p>

	@userisandcan ('1|2|3', 'do_something|do_something_else')
		<p>Show if user is user - 1,2, or 3 and can do something or can do something else</p>

	@authororcan (1, 'do_something', 'do_something_else')
		<p>Show if user is user - 1 and can do something or the user is any user who can do something else</p>

	@authororcan ('1|2|3', 'do_something|do_something_else', 'do_some_other_thing_1|do_some_other_thing_2')
		<p>Show if user is user - 1,2, or 3 and can do something or can do something else or if the user is any user who can do some other thing 1 or 2.</p>

namespace App\Policies;

use App\Traits\StandardPolicy;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\HandlesAuthorization;

class ModelPolicy {

	use StandardPolicy,
	protected string $modelPermissionName = 'models';


$this->authorize('administer', $model) - administer_models
$this->authorize('viewCrud', $model) - administer_models
$this->authorize('viewUserCrud', $model) - view_models
$this->authorize('search', $model) - search_models
$this->authorize('view', $model') - view_models
$this->authorize('create' $model) - create_models
$this->authorize('update', $model) - update_models
$this->authorize('delete', $model) - delete_models

protected bool $autoDetectPolicy = false;

protected string $modelClass = Model::class;

protected string $modelClass = 'App\Models\Model';

// $model->user_id is a reference to $user->id
protected string $modelOwnerProperty = 'user_id';

// $model->owner_id is a reference to $user->id
protected string $modelOwnerProperty = 'owner_id';

// $model->client is a reference to $user->client
protected string $modelClientProperty = 'client';

// $model->team_id is a reference to $user->team_id
protected string $modelClientProperty = 'team_id';

protected string $administerPrefix = 'administer_';
protected string $viewPrefix = 'view_';
protected string $searchPrefix = 'search_';
protected string $createPrefix = 'create_';
protected string $updatePrefix = 'update_';
protected string $deletePrefix = 'delete_';

// Client Policy Prefixes
protected string $administerClientPrefix = 'administer_client_';
protected string $viewClientPrefix = 'view_client_';
protected string $searchClientPrefix = 'search_client_';
protected string $updateClientPrefix = 'update_client_';
protected string $deleteClientPrefix = 'delete_client_';


// Client Policy Prefix Methods

protected string $updatePrefix = 'edit_';

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=permissions

php artisan migrate

php artisan migrate --seed