PHP code example of cosnavel / laravel-unsplash

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cosnavel/laravel-unsplash library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cosnavel / laravel-unsplash example snippets


$photos        = UnsplashPhotos::photos([]);          // list of all photos
$photo         = UnsplashPhotos::single($id, $params);     // single photo
$statistic     = UnsplashPhotos::statistic($id, $params);  // single photo statistics
$downloadUrl   = UnsplashPhotos::download($id, $params);   // single photo download link
$curatedPhotos = UnsplashPhotos::curated($params);         // list of curated photos
$randomPhoto   = UnsplashPhotos::random($params);          // random photo
use UnsplashCollections;

$collection  = UnsplashCollections::collections($params);    // list of all collections
$collection  = UnsplashCollections::single($id, $params);    // single collections
$photos      = UnsplashCollections::photos($id, $params);    // collection photos
$statistic   = UnsplashCollections::statistic($id, $params); // single collections statistics
$collection  = UnsplashCollections::curated($params);        // list of curated collections
$collection  = UnsplashCollections::related($id, $params);   // list of related collections
$collection  = UnsplashCollections::featured($params);       // list of featured collections