PHP code example of cosmologist / gears

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cosmologist/gears library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cosmologist / gears example snippets

$a = [1,2];
ArrayType::push($a, 3); // [1,2,3]

$a = [2,3];
ArrayType::unshift($a, 1); // [1,2,3]

ArrayType::average([1, 2, 3]); // 3

ArrayType::checkAssoc([1, 2, 3]); // false
ArrayType::checkAssoc(['foo' => 'bar']); // true

ArrayType::contains(array $list, mixed $item);

ArrayType::get(['fruit' => 'apple', 'color' => 'red'], 'fruit'); // apple
ArrayType::get(['fruit' => 'apple', 'color' => 'red'], 'weight'); // null
ArrayType::get(['fruit' => 'apple', 'color' => 'red'], 'weight', 15); // 15

ArrayType::insertAfter(['a' => 1, 'c' => 3], 'a', ['b' => 2]); // ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3]
// If the key doesn't exist
ArrayType::insertAfter(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], 'c', ['foo' => 'bar']); // ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'foo' => 'bar']

ArrayType::insertBefore(['a' => 1, 'c' => 3], 'c', ['b' => 2]); // ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3]
// If the key doesn't exist
ArrayType::insertBefore(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], 'c', ['foo' => 'bar']); // ['foo' => 'bar', 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

ArrayType::ranges([1, 3, 7, 9]); // [[1, 3], [3, 7], [7, 9]]

ArrayType::unsetValue(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'b'); // ['a', 'c']


ArrayType::isCountable($arrayOrCountable): bool;

ArrayType::fromJson($json): array;

ObjectType::get($person, 'address.street');

ObjectType::set($person, 'address.street', 'Abbey Road');

ObjectType::getInternal($object, $property);

ObjectType::setInternal($object, $property, $value);

ObjectType::callInternal($object, $method, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, ...);


ObjectType::toClassName($objectOrClass): string;

StringType::contains('Foo', 'Bar'); // false
StringType::contains('FooBar', 'Bar'); // true

StringType::decrypt(StringType::encrypt('The sensitive string', 'qwerty123456'), 'qwerty123456'); // 'The sensitive string'

StringType::encrypt('The sensitive string', 'qwerty123456');

StringType::regexp('a1b2', '\S(\d)'); // [0 => [0 => 'a1', 1 => '1'], 1 => [0 => 'b2', 1 => '2']]

StringType::regexp('a1b2', '\S(\d)', true); // [0 => [0 => '1'], 1 => [0 => '2']]

StringType::regexp('a1b2', '(\S)(\d)', true, true); // [0 => 'a', 1 => '1']

StringType::regexp('a1b2', '(\S)(\d)', true, false, true); // [0 => 'a', 1 => 'b']

StringType::regexp('a1b2', '(\S)(\d)', true, true, true); // 'a'

StringType::replaceFirst('name name name', 'name', 'title'); // 'title name name'

StringType::wrap('target', '/'); // '/target/'


StringType::guessExtension('Foo bar baz'); // txt

StringType::isBinary('Foo bar baz'); // false

StringType::toCamelCase('string like this'); // 'StringLikeThis'
StringType::toCamelCase('string_like_this'); // 'StringLikeThis'

StringType::toSnakeCase('StringLikeThis'); // 'string_like_this'
StringType::toSnakeCase('string Like this'); // 'string_like_this'

trim('«foo»', '»'); // "�foo"
StringType::trim('«foo»', '»'); // "«foo"

StringType::sentences('Fry me a Beaver. Fry me a Beaver! Fry me a Beaver? Fry me Beaver no. 4?! Fry me many Beavers... End);

  [0] => 'Fry me a Beaver.',
  [1] => 'Fry me a Beaver!',
  [2] => 'Fry me a Beaver?',
  [3] => 'Fry me Beaver no. 4?!',
  [4] => 'Fry me many Beavers...',
  [5] => 'End'

StringType::words('Fry me many Beavers... End'); // ['Fry', 'me', 'many', 'Beavers', 'End']

StringType::unword('Remove word from text', 'word'); // 'Remove from text'

NumberType::parse(" 123 "); // int(123)
NumberType::parse(" 123.45 "); // float(123.45)
NumberType::parse(" 123.00 "); // int(123)

NumberType::parseFloat(" 123 "); // float(123)
NumberType::parseFloat(" 123.45 "); // float(123.45)

NumberType::parseInteger(" 123 "); // int(123)
NumberType::parseFloat(" 123.45 "); // int(12345)

NumberType::fractions(123.45); // float(0.45)
NumberType::parseFloat(123); // float(0)

NumberType::odd(2); // false
NumberType::odd(3); // true

NumberType::even(2); // true
NumberType::even(3); // false

NumberType::roundStep(50, 5); // 50
NumberType::roundStep(52, 5); // 50
NumberType::roundStep(53, 5); // 55

NumberType::floorStep(50, 5); // 50
NumberType::floorStep(52, 5); // 50
NumberType::floorStep(53, 5); // 50

NumberType::ceilStep(50, 5); // 50
NumberType::ceilStep(52, 5); // 55
NumberType::ceilStep(53, 5); // 55

// Current locale used
NumberType::spellout(123.45); // one hundred twenty-three point four five

// Specific locale used
NumberType::spellout(123.45, 'ru'); // сто двадцать три целых сорок пять сотых

NumberType::divideSafely(1, 0); // null
NumberType::divideSafely(1, null); // null
NumberType::divideSafely(1, 0, 'zero'); // 'zero'

NumberType::percentage(10, 100); // 10 
NumberType::percentage(100, 100); // 100  
NumberType::percentage(200, 100); // 200  

NumberType::unsign(-1); // 0
NumberType::unsign(-0.99); // 0
NumberType::unsign(0); // 0
NumberType::unsign(0.99); // 0.99
NumberType::unsign(1); // 1

NumberType::toStringWithSign(-1); // "-1"
NumberType::toStringWithSign(1); // "+1"
NumberType::toStringWithSign(0); // "0"

CallableType::reflection('is_null'); // Returns a ReflectionFunction instance
CallableType::reflection([$foo, 'bar']); // Returns a ReflectionMethod instance

ClassType::shortName('Foo\Bar'); // "Bar"
ClassType::shortName(Foo\Bar::class); // "Bar"
ClassType::shortName(new Foo\Bar()); // "Bar"

namespace Foo;

class Bar {};
class Baz extends Foo {};
ClassType::selfAndParents('Foo\Bar'); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(Foo\Bar::class); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(new Foo\Bar()); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents('Foo\Baz'); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(Foo\Baz::class); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(new Foo\Baz()); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]

namespace Foo;

class Bar {};
class Baz extends Foo {};
ClassType::selfAndParents('Foo\Bar'); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(Foo\Bar::class); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(new Foo\Bar()); // ["Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents('Foo\Baz'); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(Foo\Baz::class); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]
ClassType::selfAndParents(new Foo\Baz()); // ["Foo\Baz", "Foo\Bar"]

ClassType::enumCase(FooEnum::class, 'bar');