PHP code example of cosma / testing-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cosma/testing-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cosma / testing-bundle example snippets

# app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        // ...
        $bundles[] = new h4cc\AliceFixturesBundle\h4ccAliceFixturesBundle();
        $bundles[] = new Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestingBundle();

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;
class SomeVerySimpleUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    public function testSomething()
        $mockedUserFullNamespace = $this->getMockedEntityWithId('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\User', 1);
        $mockedUserBundleNamespace = $this->getMockedEntityWithId('AppBundle:User', 2);
        $userFullNamespace = $this->getEntityWithId('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\User', 3);
        $userBundleNamespace = $this->getEntityWithId('AppBundle:User', 4); 
        $thisTestClassPath = $this->getTestClassPath(); 

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\WebTestCase;

class SomeWebFunctionalTest extends WebTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel
    public function testSomething()
        $kernel = $this->getKernel();
        $container = $this->getContainer();
        // Client for functional tests. Emulates a browser
        $client = $this->getClient();

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\DBTestCase;

class SomeFunctionalWebDBTest extends WebTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel
        * drops database tables before every test. 
        * has two strategies set by parameter cosma_testing.doctrine.cleaning_strategy:
        * 1. truncate (default,  faster)
        * 2. drop     (actual drop, slower)

         * 1. Truncates the tables user and group(default behaviour)
         * 2. Loads two fixtures files located in src/AppBundle/Fixture/Table/User.yml and src/AnotherBundle/Fixture/Table/Group.yml

         * Loads a fixtures file located in src/SomeBundle/Fixture/SomeDirectory/Book.yml
         * Doesn't truncate the table 
    public function testSomething()
         * Fixtures can be load inside a test, too.

        $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
        $entityRepository = $this->getEntityRepository('AppBundle:User');
        $fixtureManager = $this->getFixtureManager();

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SolrTestCase;

class SomeSolrTest extends SolrTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and truncate default test Solr core

    public function testIndex()
        $solariumClient = $this->getSolariumClient();
         * get an update query instance
        $update = $solariumClient->createUpdate();

         * first fixture document
        $documentOne = $update->createDocument();
        $documentOne->id = 123;
        $documentOne->name = 'testdoc-1';
        $documentOne->price = 364;

         * second fixture document
        $documentTwo = $update->createDocument();
        $documentTwo->id = 124;
        $documentTwo->name = 'testdoc-2';
        $documentTwo->price = 340;

         * add the documents and a commit command to the update query
        $update->addDocuments([$documentOne, $documentTwo]);

         * execute query

class SomeElasticTest extends ElasticTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and recreates default test elastic index

    public function testSomethingElastic()
        // get default Elastica client
        $elasticClient = $this->getElasticClient();
        // get default index - test
        $elasticIndex  = $this->getElasticIndex();
        // create another index
        $anotherElasticIndex = $elasticClient->getIndex('another_index');
        $anotherElasticIndex->create([], true);
        //Create a type
        /** @type \Elastica\Type $type **/
        $type = $this->getElasticIndex()->getType('type');

        // index documents
            new \Elastica\Document(1, ['username' => 'someUser'])

            new \Elastica\Document(2, ['username' => 'anotherUser'])

            new \Elastica\Document(3, ['username' => 'someotherUser'])
        //query for documents
        $query = array(
            'query' => array(
                'query_string' => array(
                    'query' => '*User',

        $path = $elasticIndex->getName() . '/' . $type->getName() . '/_search';

        $response = $elasticClient->request($path, Request::GET, $query);

        $responseArray = $response->getData();

        $this->assertEquals(3, $responseArray['hits']['total']);

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SeleniumTestCase;

class SomeSeleniumTest extends SeleniumTestCase

    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and initialize selenium remote web driver

     * read title from google site
    public function testGoogleTitle()
        $remoteWebDriver = $this->getRemoteWebDriver();
        $domain = $this->getTestDomain();
        // open http url http://testdomain/somepage.html 
        $webDriver = $this->open('/somepage.html');
        $this->assertContains('Some Title', $webDriver->getTitle());
        // open https url https://testdomain/securePage.html 
        $webDriver = $this->openSecure('/securePage.html');
        $this->assertContains('Some Title', $webDriver->getTitle());

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\RedisTestCase;

class SomeSeleniumTest extends RedisTestCase

    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and initialize selenium remote web driver

     * read title from google site
    public function testGoogleTitle()
        $redisClient = $this->getRedisClient();
        $redisClient->set('key' , 'value');

namespace Acme\AppBundle\TestCase;

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\WebTestCase;

// add the rest of traits
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\DBTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\ElasticTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\SeleniumTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\RedisTrait;

abstract class ComposedTestCase extends WebTestCase
    *   This Test Case combines: DB, Elastic and Selenium Test Cases 
    use DBTrait;
    use ElasticTrait;
    use SeleniumTrait;
    use RedisTrait;
    public function setUp()
        $this->getFixtureManager();     // from DBTrait
        $this->recreateIndex();         // from ElasticTrait
        $this->getRemoteWebDriver();    // from SeleniumTrait
        $this->resetRedisDatabase();    // from RedisTrait

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;

* Will retry 10 times all the Class tests that are failing
* @retry 10 
class SomeVerySimpleUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    * Will retry 10 times this test if is failing because of the class annotation from above
    public function testFirst()
        // ...
    * Will retry 4 times this test if is failing because of the method annotation from below
    * @retry 4 
    public function testSecond()
        // ...

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;
class SomeUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    public function testGetsAverageTemperatureFromThreeServiceReadings()
        $service = \Mockery::mock('service');
        $service->shouldReceive('readTemp')->times(3)->andReturn(10, 12, 14);

        $temperature = new Temperature($service);

        $this->assertEquals(12, $temperature->average());
    $   php composer.phar 
    # Argument :: file - sole cosma_testing:generate:test  /path/to/file/containing/classes_or_traits.php
    # Argument :: dump directory - ified will save all entities : default *
    # Option :: --associations / -a - saves the associations between entities, too
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:fixtures:export [-a|--associations] dumpDirectory [entity]
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:fixtures:export -a "path/to/dump/directory" BundleName:Entity