PHP code example of corneltek / genphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download corneltek/genphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


corneltek / genphp example snippets

class Generator {

    public function brief() { return 'your generator brief'; }

    public function generate($argument1,$argument2) 
        // do your operations here



$this->create('path/to/file', 'file content' );         

$this->copy( 'path/file1' , 'file2' );

$this->createDir( 'path/to/directory' );

$this->render('templateName.php.twig','path/to/file', array(
    'className' => $className

$this->writeJson('file.json', array( 'name' => 'John' ) );  // executes WriteJsonOperation

$this->writeYaml('file.yaml', array( 'name' => 'John' ) );  // executes WriteJsonOperation

$this->gitClone( '[email protected]:.....git' , 'path/to/repo' );

$this->hgClone( 'hg uri' , 'path/to/repo' );

$path = $flavor->path( 'license' );

$loader = new \Flavor\FlavorLoader;
$flavor = $loader->load( $flavorName );
$generator = $flavor->getGenerator();
$generator->setLogger( $this->getLogger() );

$args = func_get_args();

$runner = new \GenPHP\GeneratorRunner;
$runner->logger = $logger;

public fucntion generate($argument1,$argument2, ... ) 
    $file = $this->flavorLoader->load('license')->path('LICENSE.GPL2');
    $this->copy($file, 'LICENSE' );
    $this->copyDir( );

namespace flavor;
use GenPHP\Flavor\BaseGenerator;
use GenPHP\Path;

class Generator extends BaseGenerator
    public function brief() { 
        return "Default Flavor";

    public function generate($name)
        $paths = Path::get_flavor_paths();
        foreach( $paths as $path ) {
            if( file_exists($path) ) {
                $base = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
                $this->createDir( $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Resource");
                $this->render( 'Generator.php.twig',  
                    $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Generator.php', 
                    array( 'name' => $name ) );

// executes CopyDirOperation

// executes TouchOperation

// executes TouchOperation
$this->create('path/to/file', 'file content' );         

// executes RenderOperation
$this->render('templateName.php.twig','path/to/file', array(
    'className' => $className

// executes WriteJsonOperation
$this->writeJson('file.json', array( ... ) );  // executes WriteJsonOperation