PHP code example of corneltek / configkit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download corneltek/configkit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


corneltek / configkit example snippets

 return array (
      'ApplicationName' => 'Phifty',
      'ApplicationID' => 'phifty',
      'ApplicationUUID' => '9fc933c0-70f9-11e1-9095-3c07541dfc0c',
      'Domain' => '',

$config = ConfigCompiler::load('tests/ConfigKit/data/framework.yml');
print_r( $config );

ConfigCompiler::$statCheck = false;
$config = ConfigCompiler::load('tests/ConfigKit/data/framework.yml');

$compiledFile = ConfigCompiler::compile('config/framework.yml');

$compiledFile = ConfigCompiler::compile('config/framework.yml', 'config/framework.php');

$compiledFile = ConfigCompiler::override_compile('config/framework.yml', array( 
    'something_should_not_be_in_config_file' => 123123123,
    'something_should_not_be_in_git' => 123123123,
    'something_generated_in_the_runtime' => random(),

if ( ConfigCompiler::test('config/framework.yml','config/framework.php')) ) {
} else {
    // already up to date.

$loader = new ConfigLoader;
$loader->load( 'framework', 'config/framework.yml' );
$loader->load( 'database', 'config/database.yml' );

$paths = $loader->get('framework','web.paths');
$templates = $loader->get('framework','web.templates');
foreach( $paths as $path ) {
    echo $path, "\n";



$loader = new ConfigKit\ConfigLoader;
$appClass = $loader->generateAppClass('MyApp\\AppConfigLoader');
$path = $appClass->generatePsr4ClassUnder('tests');