PHP code example of corneltek / cliframework

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download corneltek/cliframework library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


corneltek / cliframework example snippets

class CommitCommand extends CLIFramework\Command {

    public function brief() { return 'brief of bar'; }

    public function options($opts) {
        $opts->add('C|reuse-message:','Take an existing commit object, and reuse the log message and the authorship information (including the timestamp) when creating the commit.')
            ->valueName('commit hash')
            // ->validValues([ 'static-50768ab', 'static-c2efdc2', 'static-ed5ba6a', 'static-cf0b1eb'])
            ->validValues(function() {
                $output = array();
                exec("git rev-list --abbrev-commit HEAD -n 20", $output);
                return $output;

        // Runtime completion by setting up a closure for completion
        $opts->add('c|reedit-message:','like -C, but with -c the editor is invoked, so that the user can further edit the commit message.')
            ->valueName('commit hash')
            ->validValues(function() {
                // exec("git log -n 10 --pretty=format:%H:%s", $output);
                exec("git log -n 10 --pretty=format:%H:%s", $output);
                return array_map(function($line) {
                    list($key,$val) = explode(':',$line);
                    $val = preg_replace('/\W/',' ', $val);
                    return array($key, $val);
                }, $output);

        $opts->add('author:', 'Override the commit author. Specify an explicit author using the standard A U Thor <[email protected]> format.')
            ->suggestions(array( 'c9s', 'foo' , 'bar' ))
            ->valueName('author name')

        $opts->add('output:', 'Output file')

    public function arguments($args) {

        // Static completion result

        // Add an argument info expecting multiple *.php files

    public function init() {

        $this->command('foo'); // register App\Command\FooCommand automatically

        $this->command('bar', 'WhatEver\MyCommand\BarCommand');

        $this->commandGroup('General Commands', ['foo', 'bar']);

        $this->commandGroup('Database Commands', ['create-db', 'drop-db']);

        $this->commandGroup('More Commands', [
            'foo' => 'WhatEver\MyCommand\FooCommand',
            'bar' => 'WhatEver\MyCommand\BarCommand'

    public function execute($user,$repo) {
        $this->logger->notice('executing bar command.');
        $this->logger->info('info message');
        $this->logger->debug('info message');
        $this->logger->write('just write');
        $this->logger->writeln('just drop a line');

        return "Return result as an API"; // This can be integrated in your web application

$input = $this->ask("Your name please");

$input = $this->ask("Your name please", array('John', 'Pedro'));

class ConsoleApp extends CLIFramework\Application
    const NAME = 'YourApp';
    const VERSION = '1.2.1';

use CLIFramework\ArgumentEditor\ArgumentEditor;

$editor = new ArgumentEditor(array('./configure','--enable-debug'));

echo $editor;
# ./configure --enable-debug --enable-zip --with-sqlite --with-postgres

$formatter = new CLIFramework\Formatter;
$formatter->format( 'message' , 'green' );

$chooser = new CLIFramework\Chooser;
$value = $chooser->choose( "System Options" , array( 
    'use php-5.4.0' => '5.4.0',
    'use php-5.4.1' => '5.4.1',
    'use system' => '5.3.0',

use CLIFramework\Debug\LineIndicator;
$indicator = new LineIndicator;
echo PHP_EOL, $indicator->indicateFile(__FILE__, __LINE__);

use CLIFramework\Debug\ConsoleDebug;

