PHP code example of corley / influxdb-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download corley/influxdb-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


corley / influxdb-sdk example snippets

$client->mark("app-search", [
    "key" => "this is my search"

    "tags" => [
        "dc" => "eu-west-1",
    "points" => [
            "measurement" => "instance",
            "fields" => [
                "cpu" => 18.12,
                "free" => 712423,

$results = $client->query('select * from "app-search"');

$reader = ...

$options = new Udp\Options();
$writer = new Udp\Writer($options);

$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

$http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$writer = ...

$options = new Http\Options();
$reader = new Http\Reader($http, $options);

$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

$reader = new Http\Reader($http, $httpOptions);
$writer = new Udp\Writer($udpOptions);
$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

$client->mark(...); // Use UDP/IP support
$client->query("SELECT * FROM my_serie"); // Use HTTP support

$reader = new Http\Reader($http, $options);
$writer = new Http\Writer($http, $options);
$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

$client->mark(...); // Use HTTP support
$client->query("SELECT * FROM my_serie"); // Use HTTP support

$client->query('select * from "mine"');

array(1) {
  'serie_name' => array(2) {
    [0] => array(4) {
      'time' => string(30) "2015-09-09T20:42:07.927267636Z"
      'value1' => int(1)
      'value2' => int(2)
      'valueS' => string(6) "string"
    [1] => array(4) {
      'time' => string(30) "2015-09-09T20:42:51.332853369Z"
      'value1' => int(2)
      'value2' => int(4)
      'valueS' => string(11) "another-one"

$options = new Http\Options();
    "env" => "prod",
    "region" => "eu-west-1",

$option->setPrefix("/influxdb"); // your prefix is: /influxdb

// final url will be: http://proxy.influxdb.tld:80/influxdb/write

$client->mark("serie", ["data" => "my-data"]);

$client->mark("serie", [
    "value" => 12,  // Marked as int64
    "elem" => 12.4, // Marked as float64

$client->mark("serie", [
    "value"  => new IntType(12),  // Marked as int64
    "elem"   => new FloatType(12.4), // Marked as float64
    "status" => new BoolType(true), // Marked as boolean
    "line"   => new StringType("12w"), // Marked as string

$qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder();

    ->where("time = ?")
    ->setParameter(0, 1434055562000000000);

$data = $qb->execute();
foreach ($data->fetchAll() as $element) {
    // Use your element

$config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
$connectionParams = array(
    'dbname' => 'mydb',
    'user' => 'root',
    'password' => 'root',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 8086,
    "driverClass" => "Corley\\DBAL\\Driver\\InfluxDB",
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, $config);

$manager = new Manager($client); // InfluxDB\Client instance

$manager->addQuery("getExceptionsInMinutes", function($minutes) {
    return "SELECT * FROM app_exceptions WHERE time > now() - {$minutes}m";

$manager->getExceptionsInMinutes(10); // The callable name

class GetExceptionsInMinutes
    public function __invoke($minutes)
        return "SELECT * FROM app_exceptions WHERE time > now() - {$minutes}m";

    public function __toString()
        return "getExceptionsInMinutes";

$manager->addQuery(new GetExceptionsInMinutes());

$manager->getExceptionsInMinutes(10); //Use the query

$manager->addQuery(new CreateDatabase());
$manager->addQuery(new DeleteDatabase());
$manager->addQuery(new GetDatabases());

array(1) {
  'results' =>
  array(1) {
    [0] =>
    array(1) {
      'series' =>
      array(1) {