PHP code example of corbpie / twitch-api-class

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download corbpie/twitch-api-class library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


corbpie / twitch-api-class example snippets

use Corbpie\TwitchApiClass\twitchWrapper;

$call = new twitchWrapper();

echo $call->accessCodeUrl();



echo $call->getTopStreamerForGame();

echo $call->getTopViewersForGame();



$user_id = $call->idForUser();



$call->chatForVod($vod_id, $offset);


$call->userIsLive();//true for live | false for not live











$call->getUserVideosForGame($user, $game_id);


$game_name = $call->gameName();

$game_name = $call->gameArtwork();

$game_name = $call->gameArtwork();

//array return call here Eg:$call->getUserDetails('shroud');
$custom = $call->getCustom(0, 'type');