PHP code example of contributte / eet

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download contributte/eet library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


contributte / eet example snippets

use Contributte\EET;
use FilipSedivy;
use Nette;

final class SomePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	/** @var EET\Dispatcher */
	private $client;

	/** @var EET\ReceiptFactory */
	private $receiptFactory;

	public function injectClientFactory(EET\ClientFactory $factory)
		$this->client = $factory->create();

	public function injectReceiptFactory(EET\ReceiptFactory $factory)
		$this->receiptFactory = $factory;

	public function processPayment()
		$receipt = $this->receiptFactory->create();
		$receipt->porad_cis = '1';
		$receipt->celk_trzba = 500;

		try {

			$this->payment->eet->save_success($this->client->getFik(), $this->client->getPkp());

		} catch (FilipSedivy\EET\Exceptions\EET\ClientException $clientException) {
			$this->payment->eet->save_error($clientException->getPkp(), $clientException->getBkp());

		}  catch (FilipSedivy\EET\Exceptions\EET\ErrorException $errorException) {
			echo '(' . $errorException->getCode() . ') ' . $errorException->getMessage();

		} catch(FilipSedivy\EET\Exceptions\Receipt\ConstraintViolationException $constraintViolationException){
			echo implode('<br>', $constraintViolationException->getErrors());
